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Thoughts on Episode 5

| Saturday, October 23, 2010 | |
Episode 5 started off well. The first half of the episode was very heart-warming. I wish I could live in the Ju Long Gai (豬籠街) with those group of people. It's really very heart-warming to see that they are all on very good terms with each other, helping each other out and eating together when there was a level 10 typhoon. =) I really do wonder if neighbours like these people still exist.

I think Fala Chen did pretty well as Lau Ching here. She is really jovial although she's a sickly person. I like seeing this kind of character. The part when she cried when she thought her heart disease was back was quite touching. ='( I really love it when everybody was so concerned about her, and were trying to keep her dry and calm. I really, really wish that I have neighbours like them.

Actually, I like the Dong Nei - Lau Sing pairing. You can really tell that they are quite loving in this episode though they kept quarrelling during the previous episode. They are very concerned about each other's well-being and oh well... The way they met was also quite romantic heehee. xD BUT, I want to see the Lau Sing - Gau Mui pairing more! ^^

The last 15 minutes were the best part of this episode! I think I did mention that I love the Cheng family right? Because whenever they walked in, they really have the air of authority over them, especially during the part when Long Hei walked in, and then when Gau Mui walked in. 勁!

The Lau Sing - Long Hei - Gau Mui - Fei Fan scenes were totally the highlights of this episode! You have to watch this to experience the 勁-ness of this episode! I love the way Lau Sing and Gau Mui helped each other out. I really have reasons to believe that they didn't plan this before hand, but when Lau Sing said something, Gau Mui said something to support what he said; when Gau Mui said something, Lau Sing said something to support what she said. And it happened really fast! Both of them really have good chemistry!! =D I want to see more Lau Sing - Gau Mui scenes! <3 The part when Long Hei and Gau Mui were shooting each other dagger looks and trying to "outwit" with each other was also very good! The best of all has to be the very last scene, when Gau Mui outwits Fei Fan. Damn 勁 I swear! I really love Sheren Tang! <3

非凡哥: 我梁非凡對燈火發誓, 如果我做D咁冇義氣嘅嘢, 我梁非凡三個字倒轉寫! (I, Leung Fei Fan, hereby swear to the light, that if I am not loyal, I will write Leung Fei Fan backwards!)
九姑娘: 我亦都對燈火發誓, 如果你唔三倍俾番班兄弟嘅, 我唔搞到你雞毛鴨血, 你仲有本事可以喺廣州立足嘅, 我鄭九妹三個字亦都倒轉寫! (I will too swear to the light, that if you don't give your brothers 3 times more, and if I don't succeed in kicking you out of Guangzhou, I will write Cheng Gau Mui backwards!)

It was such a powerful line from Gau Mui. And Sheren Tang's eye expressions are PRICELESS. Episode ends. *cues in theme song*

Epic much? I don't mind re-watching the last part over and over again! =D

How do you find this episode? Do feel free to leave down your comments, but remember, no bashing and no comments that may offend other people! Thanks! ^^



  1. I'm looking foward to reading your thoughts on episode 6 7 8 9 10.....30 :D

    Btw, what is the relationship between Gau Mui and Nancy Wu? I saw a picture of them and they seem so close to each other.

  2. @daow Haha! Thanks! =D But I don't think I will have the time to watch and post about No Regrets, because my A-levels are just in about 2 weeks' time. >.< Next week may probably be the last week I'm watching No Regrets. =(

    Gau Mui's good friend is Lai Wah's mother. Haha, I think that sounds a bit confusing, but that's why Gau Mui takes very good care of Lai Wah.

    Have you started watching No Regrets already?

  3. No, I haven't started watching it yet because I knew that I would be upset if I have to wait for the next episode. I'd rather wait for the whole DVDs and finish it in 4-5 days.

    Oh! I remember you're supposed to study hard at this time. How come you still have time to watch and update every episode. Oh No! Please forget Gau Mui for a while. I hope to see you working at Changi Airport =D

  4. @daow Haha, I will stop watching No Regrets after this week. It seems weird to stop at episode 5, so I decided to stop at episode 10. Hopefully I won't get withdrawal symptoms LOL! xD Gau Mui is too... addictive already! =D

    Haha, I want to work at the airport, but they don't have vacancies all the time, so if I want to apply, I need the right timing. o.O'''


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