Wayne and Sheren winning again becomes hottest news
Posted by
| Thursday, December 30, 2010 |
Sheren Tang,
Wayne Lai
As the year comes to an end, the Hong Kong magazines have asked 30 artistes who are in the entertainment sector to pick the top 10 entertainment news of the year. They can choose form 12 categories of news, and pick the most representative news of the year. Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang winning TV King and Queen again made it to the top with 20 votes; Stephan Chan, who was reinstated after being accused of corruption, came in a close second with 19 votes.
- Credits to TOM娱乐
Comments: Of course! Never before in BVT's 43 years on this Earth has there been repeat winners, more so for the same dramas! =D Sherayne is really something! ^^
2010 Star Ceremony (2010年星光大典)
Wayne being announced as the winner!
Male artiste of the year (Hong Kong/Taiwan) - Wayne Lai (No Regrets)
Wayne Lai has just sealed his position as TVB's No. 1 brother based on this year's most-anticipated anniversary series, No Regrets. As a grand production, No Regrets has already met expectations due to its gripping storyline. Before No Regrets was aired, some people say that it's difficult for Wayne to get rid of Chai Gau's shadow because his performance in Rosy Business was just too outstanding. However, the results of this award shows that if there wasn't any breakthrough in Wayne's performance, he wouldn't have won the award. Wayne did not disappoint. He used a different approach to act out Lau Sing's character. Wayne's outstanding performance in No Regrets has made him worthy of being the male artiste of the year.
Letter or email?
Haha, I have something to ask you guys! Should I write a letter, or send an email to the No Regrets' cast? xD Should I send a New Year (or Chinese New Year) card to them as well? Below is an excerpt of what I intend to send to them. The names and content of the letter/email will vary slightly from person to person. Let me know your opinions, since I will represent you guys in sending over our well-wishes to them! ^^
- Start of letter/email -
為咗《巾幗梟雄之義海豪情》,我喺幾個月前特登做咗一個關於《巾幗梟雄之義海豪情》嘅blog, 系希望唔識華語嘅fans都能夠欣賞呢部好劇。呢個系我嘅《巾幗梟雄之義海豪情》blog嘅link --> http://just-noregrets.blogspot.com
我哋呢啲海外fans亦都喺blog度為你哋留言 --> http://just-noregrets.blogspot.com/2010/12/leave-your-comments-for-no-regrets.html
穎怡代表海外fans再次向添哥,張華標,陳靜儀,台前幕後,默默耕耘嘅工作人及演員們致敬! My highest salutation to you guys, who helped and contributed to such an amazing drama that will definitely stay in our hearts forever!
Happy holidays, and have a great year ahead! =D
P.S. 恭喜你同埋雯女一齊連莊視帝視後!
- End of letter/email -
Anything to change? Feel free to leave down your comments! =D
Random: It's been one month since No Regrets ended... I feel a tinge of sadness... ='( And I'm going to finish re-watching No Regrets as well. =/
- Start of letter/email -
為咗《巾幗梟雄之義海豪情》,我喺幾個月前特登做咗一個關於《巾幗梟雄之義海豪情》嘅blog, 系希望唔識華語嘅fans都能夠欣賞呢部好劇。呢個系我嘅《巾幗梟雄之義海豪情》blog嘅link --> http://just-noregrets.blogspot.com
我哋呢啲海外fans亦都喺blog度為你哋留言 --> http://just-noregrets.blogspot.com/2010/12/leave-your-comments-for-no-regrets.html
穎怡代表海外fans再次向添哥,張華標,陳靜儀,台前幕後,默默耕耘嘅工作人及演員們致敬! My highest salutation to you guys, who helped and contributed to such an amazing drama that will definitely stay in our hearts forever!
Happy holidays, and have a great year ahead! =D
P.S. 恭喜你同埋雯女一齊連莊視帝視後!
- End of letter/email -
Anything to change? Feel free to leave down your comments! =D
Random: It's been one month since No Regrets ended... I feel a tinge of sadness... ='( And I'm going to finish re-watching No Regrets as well. =/
Mingpao Weekly #2196: Why No Regrets lost the Best Drama award
No Regrets did not managed to get the Best Drama award, and it was said that Tommy Leung's vote changed everything. When the 6 executives first voted, 3 voted for Can't Buy Me Love, 2 voted for No Regrets while Tommy voted for Mysteries of Love. Somebody else complained, so there was a second round of voting. This time round, Tommy voted for Can't Buy Me Love. Had he voted for No Regrets, both Can't Buy Me Love and No Regrets would have the same number of votes. By then, the higher number of votes that No Regrets had for audience voting would enable No Regrets to win the Best Drama award.
As for the My Favourite Male Character award, Moses Chan came in third, after Wayne Lai and Raymond Lam in the audience voting. The executives only considered Raymond and Wayne. In the end, because Wayne won the Best Actor award, they decided to give the award to Raymond instead.
- Credits to Mingpao Weekly
Comments: Haha, it's pretty interesting to note how come they know who voted for what. Anyway, I wonder who were the other 3 goondoos did not vote for No Regrets, and who were the 2 who voted for No Regrets... This goes to show that the BVT executives can give the award to whoever they like (their vote accounts for 50% of the results LOL). =/
2010 Starbiz Review (2010 八味娛樂圈 )
Posted by
| Sunday, December 26, 2010 |
Sheren Tang,
Wayne Lai
Here's the 2010 Starbiz Review video on Wayne and Sheren. Heehee, they look so happy here! ^^ But their clothes look familiar eh? When was this video recorded??? o.O'''
2010 Starbiz Review
- Credits to sallylaw1224
Comments: Heehee! Sherayne's soooo cute in this video! =3 Once again, congratulations on winning Best Actor and Best Actress again! =D
2010 Starbiz Review
- Credits to sallylaw1224
Comments: Heehee! Sherayne's soooo cute in this video! =3 Once again, congratulations on winning Best Actor and Best Actress again! =D
Merry Christmas!
Here's wishing the No Regrets' crew, fans and readers from all over the world, a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! =D 穎怡喺呢度祝大家聖誕節快樂! There will be updates tomorrow! Till then~ God bless all of you! =)
No Regrets' dinner (Wayne's and Sheren's treat)
Posted by
| Thursday, December 23, 2010 |
Ben Wong,
Elena Kong,
Elliot Ngok,
Evergreen Mak,
Henry Lee,
Henry Lo,
Hoffman Cheng,
Lee Tim Shing,
Nancy Wu,
Pierre Ngo,
Sheren Tang,
Susan Tse,
Wayne Lai,
Scoop clip
Mingpao Weekly #2197: Cheung Wah Biu loses faith in TVB
Posted by
| Wednesday, December 22, 2010 |
Cheung Wah Biu,
Lee Tim Shing,
Mingpao Weekly,
Mingpao Weekly #2197 Shall We Talk? - Heart of Greed's, Moonlight Resonance's, Rosy Business', No Regrets' golden script-writer loses faith in TVB
Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang became the first couple to win the Best Actor and Best Actress awards consecutively, but one of the regrets of that night was that No Regrets did not get the Best Drama award. Script-writer Cheung Wah Biu could only shake his head. It is a pity that there's no chance next year, because he has already left TVB and joined Jimmy Lai's Next TV station in Taiwan. On the week of TVB's awards ceremony, he came back specially from Taiwan to witness the ceremony.
Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang became the first couple to win the Best Actor and Best Actress awards consecutively, but one of the regrets of that night was that No Regrets did not get the Best Drama award. Script-writer Cheung Wah Biu could only shake his head. It is a pity that there's no chance next year, because he has already left TVB and joined Jimmy Lai's Next TV station in Taiwan. On the week of TVB's awards ceremony, he came back specially from Taiwan to witness the ceremony.
Sheren's fee is too expensive
Wayne Lai is unable to shoot an ad with Sheren Tang, but Evergreen Mak is not a bad choice either.
TVB tries to sign on Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang after they win TV King and TV Queen twice in a row
After being crowned TV King again, Wayne Lai has been given many job offers. He hopes that he would be given another chance to work together with Sheren Tang, by filming a couple advertisement together. However, Sheren's fee is too expensive, so his wish may not be granted.
Yesterday, he and Evergreen Mak attended a talk together. Wayne, who is down with flu and sore-throat as a result of the erratic weather, said that after knocking off, he would go and see a doctor. While he has been attending events for the past few days, he said that since Forensic Heroes 3 would start filming next month, he must make use of the time now to earn more money.
Wayne said that after winning TV King, many people want he and his on-screen partner Sheren to work together, but Sheren's fee is too expensive. When asked whether he'll ask Sheren to lower her fee, Wayne joked that if Sheren was willing to film the ad with him, then he'll do anything to suit her, because it is now the trend to appear together as an on-screen couple. However, he won't request that Sheren lower her fee, because after all, both of them are worth a lot of money in the market.
- Credits to 21CN娱乐
Comments: Yes yes, please do shoot an advertisement together! =D I'll buy your products!!!! ^^
Fala doesn't want to be TV Queen yet
Posted by
| Tuesday, December 21, 2010 |
Evergreen Mak,
Fala Chen,
After the TVB awards ceremony ended, much of the attention went to those won TV King and Queen. However, competition for the supporting roles are also stiff. Evergreen Mak has been in the TV industry for 23 years, and this is his first time winning the Best Supporting Actor award, but he said that the happiest thing is that he has won the recognition of his colleagues; As for Fala Chen, who won the Best Supporting Actress award twice and has both career and love going well for her, her abilities have long been confirmed, but she has no wish to win the Best Actress award yet. To both Evergreen and Fala, the awards are just icing on the cake; In both their journeys as artistes, both of them have people who were by their sides and always giving them support, making them who they are today.
36% are anticipating Wayne's new drama
Posted by
| Sunday, December 19, 2010 |
Elliot Ngok,
Wayne Lai
This year's TVB awards ceremony has ended. Both Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang won their Best Actor and Best Actress awards again based on popular drama No Regrets, which is a perfect ending for the TV industry. Come 2011, TVB has already released the Sales Presentation clips, and in 3 grand productions, Wayne is in one of them. He will be acting in The Great Eunuch. Charmaine Sheh will be acting as a mentally handicapped person in The Colourful World of Sister Fa while there would be another season of Have Fun with Liza and the 3 Gods. Which one are the netizens looking forward to more?
No Regrets in Someday
Haha, I think this was shown quite long ago. xD Someday did make some references to No Regrets in a particular episode, so I shall post the pictures here LOL. xDDDDD
No Regrets is a TVB drama that is full of feelings
For this year's 2010 TVB awards ceremony, Sheren Tang and Wayne Lai won their second straight Best Actress and Best Actor awards based on No Regrets, creating a new record in TVB's history.
Rosy Business created a this golden pairing. Although No Regrets is a sequel of Rosy Business, but there is no relation between the 2 dramas. Gau Mui is a person who is ruthless and has many tricks up her sleeves. Sheren did a very good job in handling this character. Although Wayne's Lau Sing was just a small fry as compared to Sheren's Gau Mui, he portrayed his emotional scenes with Gau Mui very well. Lau Sing's "How many 10 years does one have?" is now famous; Gau Mui's "May we all be blessed with longevity, though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together" has a hint of sadness in it. These 2 people build up a relationship that transcends time and distance, a relationship that is meant to last.
TVB dramas usually have heart-warming moments in them, and they attract friends and family members to watch them together. No Regrets is set in the 1930s of Guangzhou, the period when people are going through periods of hardship. Although the production set is not as sophisticated as those from Mainland China, but during times of hardship, people help each other, and can also fight each other in order to survive. All these portray the true meaning of human nature.
During times of war, the citizens unite. They have righteousness, as well as love in them. This is what makes this drama so good. A netizen wrote this on Weibo: If you don't know what is love, watch No Regrets; If you don't know what is friendship, watch No Regrets; If you don't know what is kinship, watch No Regrets; If you don't know what is pureness; watch No Regrets; If you don't know what is steadfastness, watch No Regrets; If you don't know what is responsibility, watch No Regrets; If you don't know what is waiting, watch No Regrets. This is No Regrets, a quality production from TVB!
- Credits to China Economics Press
Rosy Business created a this golden pairing. Although No Regrets is a sequel of Rosy Business, but there is no relation between the 2 dramas. Gau Mui is a person who is ruthless and has many tricks up her sleeves. Sheren did a very good job in handling this character. Although Wayne's Lau Sing was just a small fry as compared to Sheren's Gau Mui, he portrayed his emotional scenes with Gau Mui very well. Lau Sing's "How many 10 years does one have?" is now famous; Gau Mui's "May we all be blessed with longevity, though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together" has a hint of sadness in it. These 2 people build up a relationship that transcends time and distance, a relationship that is meant to last.
TVB dramas usually have heart-warming moments in them, and they attract friends and family members to watch them together. No Regrets is set in the 1930s of Guangzhou, the period when people are going through periods of hardship. Although the production set is not as sophisticated as those from Mainland China, but during times of hardship, people help each other, and can also fight each other in order to survive. All these portray the true meaning of human nature.
During times of war, the citizens unite. They have righteousness, as well as love in them. This is what makes this drama so good. A netizen wrote this on Weibo: If you don't know what is love, watch No Regrets; If you don't know what is friendship, watch No Regrets; If you don't know what is kinship, watch No Regrets; If you don't know what is pureness; watch No Regrets; If you don't know what is steadfastness, watch No Regrets; If you don't know what is responsibility, watch No Regrets; If you don't know what is waiting, watch No Regrets. This is No Regrets, a quality production from TVB!
- Credits to China Economics Press
Anyway, for No Regrets fans, a Facebook page for our dear Sing Gau is set up! Go to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_113110422092860 to join and show our support to Sherayne! <333333 Thanks to Jamie for setting up this page! =D
When Jacqueline Meets Gau Mui: Chapter 4
Posted by
| Wednesday, December 15, 2010 |
Sheren Tang,
War and Beauty boosted Sheren Tang's career, which was way beyond her expectations, since she did not expect such a favourable response from the audience. In this last episode of When Jacqueline Meets Gau Mui, she confessed that religion has played a big part in her work, and revealed how she acted out Yu Fei, 4th Wife and Gau Mui.
No love in the palace
When Sheren was recounting the effects that War and Beauty had on society, she said, "After entering this sector for so long, I've never been so popular before. Even SCMP crowned me as the year's most influential actress; Thank goodness I was already practising Christianity at that time, so I knew that I wasn't really the one who created such a phenomenon, and understood that acting can actually educate the citizens."
"Yu Fei is a very special woman. I was analysing this character, who already had to kill off a fellow concubine in the beginning of the drama. Was it the powers that she possessed that made the audience love her? Or was it because they knew about Yu Fei's background, which was why they found her pitiful?"
"The heart of Yu Fei is pure, but she changed because of her surroundings, which is somewhat like the office politics that we see today. This also proves that many people are born kind, but have changed for the worse because of their surroundings."
Sheren used her belief in her religion to think about how life in the palace would be like, which resulted in a different acting skill. "Before filming, I kept thinking about how, and why Yu Fei did not get any love in the palace. What kind of person was Yu Fei? What was her fall from power like?"
"Although that happened during the Qing dynasty, but everybody needs love. The Emperor may favour you, but may not truly love you. When Yu Fei found a strand of white hair, she was already very scared, and lost the sense of security that she once had. This truly reflects our never-ending pursuit for perfection in reality."
Particularly "high" when she's bullying people
"As such, this role reminds me of the time that I spent in USA studying. An artiste's life should be expressed in his or her works."
To act out this character, who holds such a high position that she's only second to the emperor, Sheren Tang used a crazy method to act Yu Fei out. "For example, when I'm in power, I'll go really "high" when I bully people. However, it must also be compensated with the emptiness and loneliness that Yu Fei feels in her heart." She thinks that if an artiste's life has depth, then he or she won't be so sloppy in their perspectives and observations.
4th Wife and Gau Mui are both heroines
Thanks to Rosy Business' 4th Wife, Sheren got another boost in her career. "4th Wife is a very noble person who cares a lot about her country and her people. I'm just a normal citizen, so how can I act out such a sentimental person? I'm thankful that I'm a Christian, so I knew how to pour out the love into the character of 4th Wife. This gave me more confidence to act her out."
As for No Regrets' Gau Mui, Sheren understood that this character is way beyond her own acting capabilities. "This role is really difficult to act out. However, I saw what God had in store for me, because He spent about 2 years helping me get rid of my troubles; I believe that He wants me to live like a Christian, thus I was able to act out such a heroic person."
Gau Mui is a very different role from what Sheren has undertaken before. "She is a person with a big heart, and yet she has lofty ambitions as well; It's not enough to act her out just based on my personal experiences."
Jacqueline understands very well what Sheren has gone through. So be it acting or life itself, Sheren just leaves everything to God. "Everybody thought that you do not create barriers for yourself. In actual fact, you just leave everything to God!"
Sheren agrees, "Yes! In the past, I used to work really hard, but I do get disappointed at times; Now, I will just leave everything to God, so I don't feel much stress and I definitely feel happier!"
- Credits to www.upwill.org
Comments: Wow... Sheren's really a very religious person! o.O''' I seldom hear artistes talking about their religions in interviews, but she brings it up quite frequently. She's really a very devout Christian! God bless you, Sheren! <3
Anyway, for No Regrets fans, a Facebook page for our dear Sing Gau is set up! Go to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_113110422092860 to join and show our support to Sherayne! <333333 Thanks to Jamie for setting up this page! =D
When Jacqueline Meets Gau Mui: Chapter 3
Posted by
| Tuesday, December 14, 2010 |
Sheren Tang,
Sheren Tang's love stories have always been in the gossip news for many years already. How is her love life now? In this chapter, Jacqueline reveals her secret, and that is to plan how she's going to spend her life being a single.
In the last episode, Sheren came back to Hong Kong from USA in 1994. Both her acting and attitude have changed since her return; She pointed out that personal experiences do aid in her acting, especially in her values towards looks.
"I can look very ugly!"
Sheren said, "When I was a guest star in Healing Hands, I was acting as a woman with cancer. I had to wear a wig, and it was very ugly! I did not put on any make-up as well."
"When I saw myself in the mirror, I said: Sheren Tang, don't think that you are very pretty. If you change your hairstyle, you can also look very haggard-looking! At that time, I had to remind myself that it is only because I'm a star that I get to wear pretty clothes; If I don't put on make-up, I'll look this ugly!"
Sheren also talked about love. "When I'm proudly choosing my boyfriend, I can ignore the rest. But when other people open their eyes, they can realise that I'm actually ugly!"
When she was in USA, she did not put much effort into dressing up. "I did not put on make-up, and brought along 5 boxes of clothes. However, only 1 box was for daily wear. When I went for lessons, I only wore those. I noted down how much I spent, so I was being very thrifty at that time. In these few years, I found a new me, because if one is only moving ahead because of stress, you'll lose yourself and not think about these matters."
From then on, Sheren doesn't spend much effort to keep herself pretty. She loves herself for who she is. "I realise that this kind of hairstyle suits me, and I'm not afraid of facing myself when I remove my make-up, and can accept how I look like without make-up; I love sitting on the MTR as well!"
Being single is a blessing?
When both of them broached the topic on relationships, Jacqueline revealed a big secret of Sheren's. "For one who used to be deeply in love, she actually told her make-up artiste that she felt that being single is a blessing! The make-up artiste then told her that it's because she's single and hasn't found a boyfriend, that's why she said that. She'll pray for Sheren, and hopes that she find her Mr Right soon!"
Jacqueline said, "I really hope to know how your boyfriend is like!"
Sheren laughed and said, "These few days, I've been trying out an old make-up. When I date that person, I'll show the other party how different I can look. Let's see if the other party finds it OK!"
After winning the Best Actress award 2 times, there were times when Sheren felt scared of acting. She confessed that she faced a lot of stress when she was playing Yu Fei in War and Beauty. "I did not act in any palace-themed dramas before. And I have not acted such a complex character who possess such great powers as well; My dialogues are all in classical Chinese, and it can be up to 6, 7 pages long."
How did War and Beauty bring Sheren's career up to a new high? What were her fears when she was filming Rosy Business' 4th Wife and No Regrets' Cheng Gau Mui? Watch tomorrow's last episode to find out.
- Credits to www.upwill.org
Comments: I was rewatching War and Beauty a few days back. Just certain sections here and there. Haha, I really love Yu Fei in there! =D Sheren is really one who can bring her characters alive! ^^ Yu Fei + Hung Mo! <3 I wish Sheren luck in finding her true love soon! If not, just stay hang fok can already! =D
Anyway, for No Regrets fans, a Facebook page for our dear Sing Gau is set up! Go to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_113110422092860 to join and show our support to Sherayne! <333333 Thanks to Jamie for setting up this page! =D
Good acting

People call Mainland Chinese Zhou Xun a pro in acting. Actually, there are many people in Hong Kong who are pro in acting too. Sheren Tang is no doubt one of them. "Cheng Gau Mui" is the role that made her win the Best Actress award 2 times in a row, which is unprecedented. In 2003 and 2004, she won the Best Supporting Actress award 2 times in a role, and even Liu Xiaoqing, the famous Mainland Chinese movie queen has praised her for her good acting skills. Does she still need the Best Actress award to prove that she has outstanding acting skills? Of course not. The award is just an icing on the cake for her. While appreciating Sheren's good acting on-screen, how did she manage to be such a good actress, and what did she go through?
No Rosy Business 3
Sheren Tang and Wayne Lai have successfully defended their Best Actress and Best Actor title because of No Regrets, winning Moses Chan and Charmaine Sheh once again. Although No Regrets did not get the Best Drama award in the end, but it has won critical acclaim.
Although fans are hoping that the cast will continue to film the third installment, but the original script-writer Cheung Wah Biu has already left TVB. The chances of this dream team collaborating again is slim, hence there is very little hope of them filming a third installment.
- Credits to 世界日報
Comments: Hmm, I posted this news again to make it clear that there will be NO Rosy Business 3. Even if there is, it won't be undertaken by the original cast members and back-stage crew. If that is the case, I'd rather they stop at No Regrets. I don't want other people to come and mess up and tarnish the Rosy Business' series' reputation!
Nobody else can recreate the magic of this series without the original cast and Tim Gor! So BVT, STOP HERE.
Although fans are hoping that the cast will continue to film the third installment, but the original script-writer Cheung Wah Biu has already left TVB. The chances of this dream team collaborating again is slim, hence there is very little hope of them filming a third installment.
- Credits to 世界日報
Comments: Hmm, I posted this news again to make it clear that there will be NO Rosy Business 3. Even if there is, it won't be undertaken by the original cast members and back-stage crew. If that is the case, I'd rather they stop at No Regrets. I don't want other people to come and mess up and tarnish the Rosy Business' series' reputation!
Nobody else can recreate the magic of this series without the original cast and Tim Gor! So BVT, STOP HERE.
Anyway, for No Regrets fans, a Facebook page for our dear Sing Gau is set up! Go to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_113110422092860 to join and show our support to Sherayne! <333333 Thanks to Jamie for setting up this page! =D
TVB's Anniversary dramas are not to be missed!
Be it No Regrets or Gun Metal Grey, this year's TVB Anniversary series are shows that are of high quality.
Let's talk about No Regrets first. What makes this drama stands out is that, despite riding on the success of Rosy Business, the script-writers still put much effort into creating new storylines. High-rated dramas like Heart of Greed, Moonlight Resonance, Beyond the Realm of Conscience and Can't Buy Me Love used and re-used the same storylines to keep the audiences hooked. However, they did not have the guts to challenge and create storylines that go against the norm.
One reason why No Regrets is so successful is because it has challenged the norm. The storyline has shifted from the end of the Qing dynasty to the 1940s Japanese Occupation. Quality is rarely seen in TVB dramas nowadays. It has long been replaced with incessant family feuds. "Hardship" and "survival" are topics that No Regrets has touched on, and one can't help but to respect Producer Lee Tim Shing and Cheung Wah Biu for their approach to such topics.
From Rosy Business to No Regrets, the chemistry between the cast members is no doubt a selling point. Starring the same cast members from Rosy Business like Wayne Lai, Sheren Tang, Susan Tse, Kara Hui, Pierre Ngo, Ben Wong, Elliot Ngok, there is nothing to pick on just based on the cast alone. This time round, even the villain characters got their fair share of limelight, and one of which is Fei Fan Gor, who is played by Evergreen Mak. Evergreen has always been a good actor. With so many years of experience, he has also been playing a number of good characters in the past. However, it was "Fei Fan Gor" who changed his destiny. This is the magic of the entertainment sector. So long as one doesn't give up, you may find Lady Luck smiling on you some day! Rosy Business pushed Wayne Lai up to become a first-line actor, and Pierre's acting career also got a boost because of this drama. No Regrets has changed Evergreen's life. Who will be next? Will it be Raymond Wong, or the Japanese commander King Kong?
- Credits to www.yahoo.com.cn
Comments: I only translated those parts that are related to No Regrets.
Raymond is being promoted by TVB now. I think he will have his chance to shine soon! ^^ I'm hoping to see King Kong in more shows as well! =D It's really heart-warming to see how dramas have shaped an artiste's life and destiny. In fact, I would say that many people who have acted Rosy Business and No Regrets have gotten their fair share of limelight, and I'm sure that many years down the road, when we see them acting in other dramas, we'll remember them as those people who acted in Rosy Business or No Regrets. =)
Let's talk about No Regrets first. What makes this drama stands out is that, despite riding on the success of Rosy Business, the script-writers still put much effort into creating new storylines. High-rated dramas like Heart of Greed, Moonlight Resonance, Beyond the Realm of Conscience and Can't Buy Me Love used and re-used the same storylines to keep the audiences hooked. However, they did not have the guts to challenge and create storylines that go against the norm.
One reason why No Regrets is so successful is because it has challenged the norm. The storyline has shifted from the end of the Qing dynasty to the 1940s Japanese Occupation. Quality is rarely seen in TVB dramas nowadays. It has long been replaced with incessant family feuds. "Hardship" and "survival" are topics that No Regrets has touched on, and one can't help but to respect Producer Lee Tim Shing and Cheung Wah Biu for their approach to such topics.
From Rosy Business to No Regrets, the chemistry between the cast members is no doubt a selling point. Starring the same cast members from Rosy Business like Wayne Lai, Sheren Tang, Susan Tse, Kara Hui, Pierre Ngo, Ben Wong, Elliot Ngok, there is nothing to pick on just based on the cast alone. This time round, even the villain characters got their fair share of limelight, and one of which is Fei Fan Gor, who is played by Evergreen Mak. Evergreen has always been a good actor. With so many years of experience, he has also been playing a number of good characters in the past. However, it was "Fei Fan Gor" who changed his destiny. This is the magic of the entertainment sector. So long as one doesn't give up, you may find Lady Luck smiling on you some day! Rosy Business pushed Wayne Lai up to become a first-line actor, and Pierre's acting career also got a boost because of this drama. No Regrets has changed Evergreen's life. Who will be next? Will it be Raymond Wong, or the Japanese commander King Kong?
- Credits to www.yahoo.com.cn
Comments: I only translated those parts that are related to No Regrets.
Raymond is being promoted by TVB now. I think he will have his chance to shine soon! ^^ I'm hoping to see King Kong in more shows as well! =D It's really heart-warming to see how dramas have shaped an artiste's life and destiny. In fact, I would say that many people who have acted Rosy Business and No Regrets have gotten their fair share of limelight, and I'm sure that many years down the road, when we see them acting in other dramas, we'll remember them as those people who acted in Rosy Business or No Regrets. =)
Anyway, for No Regrets fans, a Facebook page for our dear Sing Gau is set up! Go to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_113110422092860 to join and show our support to Sherayne! <333333 Thanks to Jamie for setting up this page! =D
Finale of No Regrets video
Posted by
| Monday, December 13, 2010 |
Elena Kong,
Elliot Ngok,
Evergreen Mak,
Fala Chen,
Kara Hui,
King Kong,
Nancy Wu,
Pierre Ngo,
Raymond Wong,
Sheren Tang,
Susan Tse,
Wayne Lai
Here's the finale video that was first shown on myTV. The video was taken when No Regrets' and Someday's finale episodes were aired at TVB City. Enjoy!! ^^
- Credits to vickifan1984 of 义海豪情吧
Comments: Wow... The female artistes really cried a lot! =( Sheren kept choking on her tears... And did I see Pierre crying too? =/
I totally agree with Tim Gor! Even the third and fourth-line artistes deserve our recognition and salutation. Especially for those "Japanese soldiers" in the drama... I really salute them for spending so much time to practise their Japanese. "Uncle Ming" actually had somebody to coach him in Japanese. No wonder his Japanese sounded really so fluent and nice! ^^ They are part of the crew that made No Regrets so memorable, no matter how small their roles are.
穎怡亦都係呢度向你哋致敬! *salutes* =D
- Credits to vickifan1984 of 义海豪情吧
Comments: Wow... The female artistes really cried a lot! =( Sheren kept choking on her tears... And did I see Pierre crying too? =/
I totally agree with Tim Gor! Even the third and fourth-line artistes deserve our recognition and salutation. Especially for those "Japanese soldiers" in the drama... I really salute them for spending so much time to practise their Japanese. "Uncle Ming" actually had somebody to coach him in Japanese. No wonder his Japanese sounded really so fluent and nice! ^^ They are part of the crew that made No Regrets so memorable, no matter how small their roles are.
穎怡亦都係呢度向你哋致敬! *salutes* =D
Anyway, for No Regrets fans, a Facebook page for our dear Sing Gau is set up! Go to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_113110422092860 to join and show our support to Sherayne! <333333 Thanks to Jamie for setting up this page! =D
When Jacqueline Meets Gau Mui: Chapter 2
Sheren Tang went to the awards ceremony in a "Cheng Gau Mui has a date with a person in the evening" style. However, in actual life, she doesn't like such thick make-up. In this chapter, she criticised the teenage girls for going for the "big eye beauty" look, as well as the make-up trends in the entertainment sector. She also talked about her own career, and how it all started off with an ugly character.
Sheren said, "Just go onto the streets and find a student. They know how to stick on false eye-lashes. That's really clever of them. Up till now, I still don't know how to stick on such things!"
Newcomers all have the same look
Sheren doesn't encourage the use of thick make-up for young people. "I don't admire those "little children" who put on thick make-up. Young singers are very particular about their overall image, and I already can't recognise them, because all of them are trying too hard to be "big-eyed" and are using false eye-lashes. Whether is it singing or acting, all of them use the same type of make-up. This is why I feel that almost all of them look the same to me."
Sheren thinks that an artiste must be special and unique. "An artiste should have his or her own style and fashion, if not he or she will be replaced by somebody else soon." To this, Jacqueline asked, "For a newcomer, why would they know what defines unique or special?"
Once in love with Sandy Lam's single eye-lids
Sheren used herself as an example. "You said that I have a pair of big eyes in the last episode. Actually, there was a point in time where I loved Sandy Lam's single eye-lids. Her eyes are very special, so when she puts on make-up around her eyes, there's a special aura around her."
She thinks that everybody should just concentrate on developing in areas that they are special in. "If you can accept yourself and develop in those areas, then you will be a cut above the rest."
Sheren also thinks that those girls who make themselves "big-eyed" are silly. "You can't even accept who you are. Maybe you don't like your eyes to be too small, so you try all sorts of methods to make them bigger, but this is not your real look. You will even hate the way you look after you remove your make-up. This will make you very unhappy."
Jacqueline agreed with her, and feels that this disturbing trend is not only happening in the entertainment world, but also in the mainstream society, especially for those born around 1980s and 1990s. "I once spoke to a group of teenagers who were born in the 1980s. They said that they felt empty, and can't find their own identity. Actually, confidence is a type of beauty. They are really beautiful, but they can't accept themselves."
Sheren went overseas to study because she felt inferior
In 1992, Sheren went to USA to study. Jacquelin wanted to know if that was because Sheren had no confidence in herself, which led to her giving up on her career. Sheren admitted, "At that time, I was in the industry for about 7 years already. The first 5 years were spent working for TVB, but during the 6th year, I left, and I lost the sense of security that I once had. I had to wait for somebody to approach me to give me work; Also, I felt that I had not much skills to speak of, and nobody understood what I was going through.
I had a sense of determination in me, and I didn't think of leaving the entertainment scene at that time; If I had the guts, I must be able to live by my decisions." She went to study management and fashion design, and this had nothing to do with her acting career.
Came back to Hong Kong as a different person
After returning to Hong Kong, Sheren participated in Loving You, which had good reviews. She thinks that it has to do with her going overseas to study. "When I was studying arts in USA, not only did I gain more knowledge, I was also able to meet inquisitive friends who loved the arts." She realised that she must have this kind of attitude when she's working.
"During summer and Christmas holidays, I would go back to TVB to film dramas so as to earn money to pay my school fees. I was given my first supporting role in 生死訟, where I played the role of an ugly greengrocer; This gave me a different experience, and I did not feel the burden of being a lead."
After her acting career got a boost again, Sheren has grown to respect artists as well as actors. In the past, she, who used to play the lead all the time, realised that no matter how big or small the role is, one must still be able to give their all. "I was able to immerse myself into the role, and let the audience change their perception of me. This is a break-through for me, and it also marks the turning point of my life."
- Credits to www.upwill.org
Comments: Haha, don't worry Sheren! I don't know how to stick on false eye-lashes too! ^^
Haha, actually, I find this interview rather similar to the interview that she gave in the earlier issue of TVB Weekly. It was #67_, but I can't remember the exact issue. I shall have to dig in my drawer again to find out what she really said. But still, many thanks to Poop for helping me get that issue. ^^
Sheren has really been through a lot in her life eh? I do agree that everybody must give their best in whatever they are doing. I remember Tim Gor saying that even the third and fourth-line artistes gave their best for No Regrets, which is why No Regrets is able to become such a good drama. I really admire these people, and I salute them as well! *salutes*
Anyway, for No Regrets fans, a Facebook page for our dear Sing Gau is set up! Go to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_113110422092860 to join and show our support to Sherayne! <333333 Thanks to Jamie for setting up this page! =D
When Jacqueline meets Gau Mui: Chapter 1
Posted by
| Sunday, December 12, 2010 |
Sheren Tang,
From today onwards, Upwill Media will feature a 4-part interview special with Sheren Tang called "When Jacqueline Meets Gau Mui". Sheren, who won the Best Actress award back-to-back with her role as Cheng Gau Mui in No Regrets, will share with Jacqueline Lo about her experiences in the TV industry. Actually, Sheren doesn't place great emphasis on looks, and has jokingly said that when she doesn't put on make-up, she looks haggard.
Beauty is in the genes, coolness is in the character
Jacqueline is very close to Sheren, but she doesn't know much about Sheren's journey into the acting world. She thought that she graduated from acting class. Sheren explained, "I studied acting, but I took a shorter time. I used 2 months for lessons, and 2 months for exams. I get money too!"
Sheren doesn't think that she's pretty. "I like looks that are special. I think beauty is in the genes, but coolness is a type of character."
Jacqueline said, "Actually, I think you're very pretty. You have a pair of big eyes with double eyelids. Your eye-lashes are very beautiful even when you don't put on make-up!" To this, Sheren said, "People say that people with long eye-lashes are lazy!"
After joining the acting class, she felt that she had no right to call herself pretty. "There were people like Maggie Siu and Kitty Lai in my class. After seeing them, I feel that I'm just average. They're really pretty. Their faces are already smaller than mine!"
Jacqueline said that Sheren's nickname is "Big Head". To this, Sheren replied, "Yes, my head is pretty big. I must wear men caps, like those that Michael Miu wears!" Both of them laugh uncontrollably.
Once mistaken as a tomboy
Sheren did her secondary school education in an all-girls school. However, since young, her actions are not very lady-like. "I was from an all-girls school. My hair was very short back then. It's those type of hair-style that the tomboys would like. I was once mistaken as a tomboy."
She continued, "At that time, I love to play basketball, and I like being flat-chested. I don't need to have a perfect body, and I find that it's already beautiful. I like my face to have those "fish tail" lines."
Looks haggard without make-up
Many seniors have told Sheren that in order to keep young, one must avoid laughing so as to prevent wrinkles. Sheren has difficulty doing this. "How can I not laugh? When I remove my make-up, I will still look haggard. This is my character. I don't think my looks are very good, so I need to take good care."
However, she understands that being in the entertainment sector, she has no choice but to take extra care of her looks and body shape. When she first practised Christianity, she frequently prayed that no matter how much she ate, she hoped not to get fat. She laughed and said, "I know that God does not listen to all these!"
When looking back at her career, Sheren said that she had to rely on her looks. To this, Jacqueline said, "When you entered the entertainment sector, you looked really innocent."
Sheren said, "At that time, I was just a flower pot. I had no acting skills to speak of, so I just had to rely on my looks. However, I'm fine with that. I got to hone my acting skills by being a flower pot."
Next Monday, Sheren will talk about how one's character can actually affect how she handles a particular role, as well as her personal experiences.
- Credits to Upwill.org for video and Upwill news
Comments: Haha, I still think that Sheren's really pretty, even though she says otherwise. xDDDD And haha, she's so cute, because she said that she knows God doesn't listen to such frivolous prayers. =P
Anyway, for No Regrets fans, a Facebook page for our dear Sing Gau is set up! Go to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_113110422092860 to join and show our support to Sherayne! <333333 Thanks to Jamie for setting up this page! =D
Gau Mui's beauty is not skin-deep
Newly-crowned TV Queen Sheren Tang is very popular now due to her role in No Regrets. Actually, before filming commenced, Sheren had a part to play in determining how "Gau Mui" would turn out. Did she hope that this character would be more impactful than Rosy Business's 4th Wife? Or must "Gau Mui" be more eye-catching than the rest of the characters in the drama? After winning the second consecutive Best Actress award, Sheren Tang confesses.
Satisfy one's wish?
"Since Rosy Business was so successful, when I knew that I was about to film the sequel, I was worried that the script-writers thought that I wanted to act a good character so as to satisfy my wish that my character must be noble. Hence, I voiced my thoughts out to them.
When I called Cheung Wah Biu, I told him that when he is writing my character, he doesn't have to feel stressed. I do not mind acting out a flawed character."
Sheren wants the audience to envy Gau Mui
"This character can be very simple, cool, bad and vicious. She has many flaws, including smoking opium; TV is a platform that can influence the viewers. If you put any values onto any popular character, this will definitely influence and impact the younger generation of viewers.
So no matter how "bad" my character is, I just wish that my character will portray the correct set of moral values.
The quality of life is not just measured by beauty and radiance; maybe when the audience first watch it, they may not like my character a lot. But as you watch on, you'll probably envy the character's life, and hope to become another "4th Wife" or "Gau Mui"."
Where do I get my inspiration from?
"I have faith in Cheung Wah Biu's ability, because he was able to write out a very sentimental "4th Wife". Before I started work, and before I received the script, I let Cheung Wah Biu know about my views on my character.
My inspiration comes from God. Since I practise Christianity, everything that I have belongs to God, so in a way, my thoughts also come from God.
However, when I received my script, I was pretty scared, because it's just too difficult to act out! "Gau Mui" is a very difficult character, and she is even more difficult to act than "4th Wife"..."
When Sheren is filming No Regrets, what are her most memorable scenes? Stay tuned for our next report!
- Credits to www.upwill.org
Comments: Haha, I have already fallen in love with Gau Mui the moment she appeared in the drama. xDDDDD And I love her even though she does all those "bad things". She's such a charismatic "villain". xDDD
Satisfy one's wish?
"Since Rosy Business was so successful, when I knew that I was about to film the sequel, I was worried that the script-writers thought that I wanted to act a good character so as to satisfy my wish that my character must be noble. Hence, I voiced my thoughts out to them.
When I called Cheung Wah Biu, I told him that when he is writing my character, he doesn't have to feel stressed. I do not mind acting out a flawed character."
Sheren wants the audience to envy Gau Mui
"This character can be very simple, cool, bad and vicious. She has many flaws, including smoking opium; TV is a platform that can influence the viewers. If you put any values onto any popular character, this will definitely influence and impact the younger generation of viewers.
So no matter how "bad" my character is, I just wish that my character will portray the correct set of moral values.
The quality of life is not just measured by beauty and radiance; maybe when the audience first watch it, they may not like my character a lot. But as you watch on, you'll probably envy the character's life, and hope to become another "4th Wife" or "Gau Mui"."
Where do I get my inspiration from?
"I have faith in Cheung Wah Biu's ability, because he was able to write out a very sentimental "4th Wife". Before I started work, and before I received the script, I let Cheung Wah Biu know about my views on my character.
My inspiration comes from God. Since I practise Christianity, everything that I have belongs to God, so in a way, my thoughts also come from God.
However, when I received my script, I was pretty scared, because it's just too difficult to act out! "Gau Mui" is a very difficult character, and she is even more difficult to act than "4th Wife"..."
When Sheren is filming No Regrets, what are her most memorable scenes? Stay tuned for our next report!
- Credits to www.upwill.org
Comments: Haha, I have already fallen in love with Gau Mui the moment she appeared in the drama. xDDDDD And I love her even though she does all those "bad things". She's such a charismatic "villain". xDDD
Anyway, for No Regrets fans, a Facebook page for our dear Sing Gau is set up! Go to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_113110422092860 to join and show our support to Sherayne! <333333 Thanks to Jamie for setting up this page! =D
Gau Mui's wake-up alarm
Hahaha, this one is really funny! After listening to this, will you wake up? xDDDDDD
Click here to listen to it.
- Credits to 柏情女
Anyway, for No Regrets fans, a Facebook page for our dear Sing Gau is set up! Go to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_113110422092860 to join and show our support to Sherayne! <333333 Thanks to Jamie for setting up this page! =D
Click here to listen to it.
- Credits to 柏情女
Anyway, for No Regrets fans, a Facebook page for our dear Sing Gau is set up! Go to http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_113110422092860 to join and show our support to Sherayne! <333333 Thanks to Jamie for setting up this page! =D
TVB 43rd awards ceremony pictures
Wayne has updated his blog with more pictures from the awards ceremony! =D I didn't upload all the pictures though, because we should go to his blog and help him increase his blog hits! ^^ So for more pictures, go to this blog ok! The link is given below! =D
- Credits to Wayne Lai's TVB blog
Comments: Heehee! Nice pictures! I heard that these pictures were taken by his son? If it's really true, then wow, his son's photography skills really rock! ^^
- Credits to Wayne Lai's TVB blog
Comments: Heehee! Nice pictures! I heard that these pictures were taken by his son? If it's really true, then wow, his son's photography skills really rock! ^^
Wayne Lai doesn't want to win third TV King
Lau Sing made Wayne Lai win his second Best Actor award, but his excitement at winning the Best Actor award was not as great as last year. He described his happiness as fleeting, because for one, he felt that there is nothing new in him winning it again, and secondly, because No Regrets lost the Best Drama award. Everybody just wanted to get home as quickly as possible to get some rest.
Wayne Lai set records by becoming the second person to win Best Actor award in TVB's history. He thanked the audience for their support. After getting his award, he went to Kowloon, where many residents wanted to take photos with him. A vegetable seller said, "In order to watch the finale of No Regrets, I didn't even play mahjong. Last year, a player took a photo with you and had very good luck. He won every round! After being in this industry for a long time, I'm glad that he has such results now. I'm happy for him!"
Wayne hanged around for about 1/2h hour before he bought his groceries, attracting many people. He even took photos with his fans to thank them for their support.
The game is only fun when everybody is involved
Wayne has 2 dramas coming up, namely Forensic Heroes 3 (FH 3) and The Great Eunuch. He has the chance of winning his third Best Actor award. Wayne said, "If I win again, I won't have any friends in TVB. I'm just trying to earn my keep. Getting 2 Best Actor awards is already good enough. This game is only fun to play if everybody is involved. Also, there are many other artistes who are waiting for their recognition. Moreover, FH 3 will focus more on cases. While the previous 2 installments had good ratings, but my role in FH 3 won't be that outstanding. As for The Great Eunuch, I don't even know when I'm going to film it." Wayne sees the award as his graduation certificate, a certificate that bestows to him recognition of all the hard work that he has put in. Since he has already gotten his award, he won't be trying to get more "certificates". He will only seek to further improve on his acting.
Taking a long break
Wayne is now 47 years old. When asked if his good luck arrived a bit too late, Wayne said that it's better, because he feels less stressed. He is one who knows his limits, and has no lofty ambitions so long as he is able to support his family. He just wants to lead a happy life with his family. When he first gotten his award, he wanted to buy a branded watch for his wife, but his wife said, "There's no need to. If you buy a branded watch, I'll have to put it in the safe, and only wear it for special occasions. Even if I wear it, I would be afraid of damaging it. I'll feel a lot of stress."
When asked how he would reward himself, Wayne said, "I have earned my money, but I have no time to spend it, so I hope to go on a long holiday to New Zealand next year with my family. 10 years ago, I went with my wife to New Zealand and felt really very relaxed. I wish to bring my son along to enjoy what we experienced."
- Credits to Singtao
Comments: I still don't think The Great Eunuch will come out next year LOL! xD And yes, Wayne deserves a long break! I wish him all the best in his future endeavors! =D
On a side-note, since I don't want to make a separate post for this as it is pretty short, No Regrets has become the most-searched drama on Google! Read more about it here. Congratulations to No Regrets! =D
Wayne Lai set records by becoming the second person to win Best Actor award in TVB's history. He thanked the audience for their support. After getting his award, he went to Kowloon, where many residents wanted to take photos with him. A vegetable seller said, "In order to watch the finale of No Regrets, I didn't even play mahjong. Last year, a player took a photo with you and had very good luck. He won every round! After being in this industry for a long time, I'm glad that he has such results now. I'm happy for him!"
Wayne hanged around for about 1/2h hour before he bought his groceries, attracting many people. He even took photos with his fans to thank them for their support.
The game is only fun when everybody is involved
Wayne has 2 dramas coming up, namely Forensic Heroes 3 (FH 3) and The Great Eunuch. He has the chance of winning his third Best Actor award. Wayne said, "If I win again, I won't have any friends in TVB. I'm just trying to earn my keep. Getting 2 Best Actor awards is already good enough. This game is only fun to play if everybody is involved. Also, there are many other artistes who are waiting for their recognition. Moreover, FH 3 will focus more on cases. While the previous 2 installments had good ratings, but my role in FH 3 won't be that outstanding. As for The Great Eunuch, I don't even know when I'm going to film it." Wayne sees the award as his graduation certificate, a certificate that bestows to him recognition of all the hard work that he has put in. Since he has already gotten his award, he won't be trying to get more "certificates". He will only seek to further improve on his acting.
Taking a long break
Wayne is now 47 years old. When asked if his good luck arrived a bit too late, Wayne said that it's better, because he feels less stressed. He is one who knows his limits, and has no lofty ambitions so long as he is able to support his family. He just wants to lead a happy life with his family. When he first gotten his award, he wanted to buy a branded watch for his wife, but his wife said, "There's no need to. If you buy a branded watch, I'll have to put it in the safe, and only wear it for special occasions. Even if I wear it, I would be afraid of damaging it. I'll feel a lot of stress."
When asked how he would reward himself, Wayne said, "I have earned my money, but I have no time to spend it, so I hope to go on a long holiday to New Zealand next year with my family. 10 years ago, I went with my wife to New Zealand and felt really very relaxed. I wish to bring my son along to enjoy what we experienced."
- Credits to Singtao
Comments: I still don't think The Great Eunuch will come out next year LOL! xD And yes, Wayne deserves a long break! I wish him all the best in his future endeavors! =D
On a side-note, since I don't want to make a separate post for this as it is pretty short, No Regrets has become the most-searched drama on Google! Read more about it here. Congratulations to No Regrets! =D
The transformation of Wayne Lai
Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang managed to retain their Best Actor and Best Actress title because of No Regrets. Virginia Lok wants to persuade them to sign a contract with TVB, and has offered many attractive terms, which also includes sky-high salaries. However, Wayne and Sheren don't seem to have the intention to sign on with them.
Both Sheren and Wayne have the temperament of an artist. They are not easily swayed by fame, especially Sheren. In the past few years, Sheren only aims to bring enjoyment to other people through the dramas that she act in.
Sheren's and Wayne's acting career have not been smooth. However, Sheren is luckier as she was already the female lead in her first TV drama. Wayne on the other hand, had to play many unimportant (calefare) roles before he was noticed. Watching an interview that was given by him 9 years ago made us realised that Wayne is very different now. In 1998, Wayne had a break-through role in Journey to the West as Pigsy. However, TVB did not promote him back then. Under such circumstances, he decided to leave TVB and went over to ATV, where he was the second male lead in many dramas. However, he still did not get the fame he thought he would get. Afterward, he decided to go back to TVB and filmed a few more dramas before he finally filmed Rosy Business, which became the turning point in his life.
In the past, when Wayne hadn't won the Best Actor award yet, he was always into his characters. However, with fame and so much media scrutiny, Wayne now takes a different view on acting. He knows very well that he is acting for the sake of acting. Once the director shouts "Cut!", he will immediately leave his character. That is just too professional of him. Nobody knows for sure which way of acting is the best, but we can only say that with more personal experiences, and with Wayne getting more famous, he has changed his style of working.
- Credits to Macau Daily
Comments: Is this the reason why Wayne appears quite distant now? =/ He wasn't like that when he became famous for Rosy Business!!! =(
Both Sheren and Wayne have the temperament of an artist. They are not easily swayed by fame, especially Sheren. In the past few years, Sheren only aims to bring enjoyment to other people through the dramas that she act in.
Sheren's and Wayne's acting career have not been smooth. However, Sheren is luckier as she was already the female lead in her first TV drama. Wayne on the other hand, had to play many unimportant (calefare) roles before he was noticed. Watching an interview that was given by him 9 years ago made us realised that Wayne is very different now. In 1998, Wayne had a break-through role in Journey to the West as Pigsy. However, TVB did not promote him back then. Under such circumstances, he decided to leave TVB and went over to ATV, where he was the second male lead in many dramas. However, he still did not get the fame he thought he would get. Afterward, he decided to go back to TVB and filmed a few more dramas before he finally filmed Rosy Business, which became the turning point in his life.
In the past, when Wayne hadn't won the Best Actor award yet, he was always into his characters. However, with fame and so much media scrutiny, Wayne now takes a different view on acting. He knows very well that he is acting for the sake of acting. Once the director shouts "Cut!", he will immediately leave his character. That is just too professional of him. Nobody knows for sure which way of acting is the best, but we can only say that with more personal experiences, and with Wayne getting more famous, he has changed his style of working.
- Credits to Macau Daily
Comments: Is this the reason why Wayne appears quite distant now? =/ He wasn't like that when he became famous for Rosy Business!!! =(
How were the TV King and Queen chosen?
TVB has its own panel of judges who choose the winners. The producers have 20% of the votes, the audience have 30% of the votes, while the in-house panel of judges have 50% of the votes.
In the past, the panel of judges were made up of 7 executives. They are Stephan Chan, Catherine Tsang, Tommy Leung, Virginia Lok, Ho Lai Chuen, Ho Kun Chung and Chan Ka Yeung. However, this year, Stephan pulled out of the judging panel on his own accord so as not to fuel anymore rumours. This year, the judging panel is made up of 6 people.
It was said that in the battle for the Best Actor and Best Actress award, the producers and audience's votes were about the same. Moses Chan, Wayne Lai, Sheren Tang and Charmaine Sheh have about the same number of votes. Although Stephan Chan wasn't involved in voting this time round, the executives' votes still influenced the outcome of the awards. Virginia Lok and Tommy Leung voted for "biological children" Raymond Lam, Moses Chan and Charmaine Sheh, while Ho Lai Chuen, Chan Ka Yeung, Ho Kun Chung and Catherine Tsang voted for Wayne and Sheren. Because the finale of No Regrets' managed to create a record, and even caused ATV's programme to record 0 points in ratings, the TV King and Queen awards ended up in Wayne's and Sheren's hands.
- Credits to Yang Cheng Wanbao
Comments: Lol, this is tabloid news, so take it with a pinch of salt. It may be true, to a certain extent though. But still, congratulations again, to Wayne and Sheren for being the first couple to 蝉联 together! xDDDD
In the past, the panel of judges were made up of 7 executives. They are Stephan Chan, Catherine Tsang, Tommy Leung, Virginia Lok, Ho Lai Chuen, Ho Kun Chung and Chan Ka Yeung. However, this year, Stephan pulled out of the judging panel on his own accord so as not to fuel anymore rumours. This year, the judging panel is made up of 6 people.
It was said that in the battle for the Best Actor and Best Actress award, the producers and audience's votes were about the same. Moses Chan, Wayne Lai, Sheren Tang and Charmaine Sheh have about the same number of votes. Although Stephan Chan wasn't involved in voting this time round, the executives' votes still influenced the outcome of the awards. Virginia Lok and Tommy Leung voted for "biological children" Raymond Lam, Moses Chan and Charmaine Sheh, while Ho Lai Chuen, Chan Ka Yeung, Ho Kun Chung and Catherine Tsang voted for Wayne and Sheren. Because the finale of No Regrets' managed to create a record, and even caused ATV's programme to record 0 points in ratings, the TV King and Queen awards ended up in Wayne's and Sheren's hands.
- Credits to Yang Cheng Wanbao
Comments: Lol, this is tabloid news, so take it with a pinch of salt. It may be true, to a certain extent though. But still, congratulations again, to Wayne and Sheren for being the first couple to 蝉联 together! xDDDD
Stars win, show loses
WINNING the top prize of Best Drama Series seemed like a shoo-in for No Regrets at the annual TVB TV Awards Presentation 2010 on Sunday night.
Regrettably - for its fans at least - the trophy went to comedy period drama Can't Buy Me Love .
Throughout the show, all the signs had pointed to a No Regrets sweep.
The TV station's anniversary drama, set in wartime Canton in the late 1930s, tells the tale of two unlikely lovers and their relationship.
It's a spin-off of the hit series Rosy Business, which grabbed six of the 15 awards last year. No Regrets stars Sheren Tang, Wayne Lai, Evergreen Mak and Fala Chen had triumphed in the four main acting categories.
Tang won Best Lead Actress and Lai Best Lead Actor for the second year in a row.
They won the same awards last year, for Rosy Business.
Chen was named Best Supporting Actress and Mak Best Supporting Actor.
The last episode of No Regrets - which was aired on Nov 28 - was watched by a staggering three million Hong Kong viewers.
Can't Buy Me Love's highest viewership was 2.87million viewers.
Even movie legend Chow Yun Fat reportedly admitted being a fan of No Regrets and rushed home to watch the finale.
The drama looked set to cap its phenomenal year at the TVB TV Awards show, which honours the best in Hong Kong television. The winners are decided by a panel of judges from TVB and public voting.
The most telling 'confirmation' seemed to come from acclaimed Hong Kong movie director Johnnie To while he was presenting the Best Drama Series category.
Before he opened the envelope containing the result, he said it didn't take much effort to guess which drama would win.
His face, however, changed when he opened the envelope. 'Oh, it's not (what I had thought it would be),' he said.
Speaking after the event, Mak and Lai told TheNew Paper that they were disappointed with the result.
Best Drama win was unexpected
Mak, 43, said: 'If I could, I would exchange my BestSupporting Actor win for the Best Drama Series award, because the latter is a win for the entire crew and cast.'
Agreed Lai, 46: 'If we win Best Drama Series, it's a group win, which means that everyone (involved in the drama) also wins.'
Unlike last year, when he won three awards - Favourite Male Character, TVB.com Most Popular Artiste, and Best Lead Actor - This year, Lai had only one victory to his name.
But it's good enough for him, he said.
'I took too many awards last year. Very rarely does an artiste take home three awards in the same show, so winning one is okay for me,' said the affable Lai.
The Best Lead Actor award was announced with much humour by guest presenter Sandra Ng.
The actress-comedienne threw the result envelope aside, adding: 'I don't need to look at the result, I already know in my heart who's going to win.'
She then shouted Lai's name.
But as he stood by to receive the many hugs and pats on the back from his colleagues, Ng burst out laughing, and said: 'Why do all of you trust me so much? I haven't even looked at the result!'
For a few seconds, uncertainty hung in the air.
It was only when the show's host, Carol Cheng, quickly walked over to open the envelope and confirmed the win that the true celebration began.
Best actress
Lai's No Regrets co-star Tang, who won her Best Lead Actress award before Lai, jokingly told The New Paper that she would have given her trophy to the production crew had he not won.
The 44-year-old actress was brimming with confidence and joy even before the awards show started.
Looking stunning in a black bustier top and black tulle skirt, with her long hair curled into soft waves, she revealed that her look was specially styled by famous Hong Kong lyricist Wyman Wong.
Said Tang: 'Wyman is a fan of No Regrets, and he told me that he wants to fulfil every fan's dream of seeing (my character) Cheng Kau Mui go on a date with (Lai's character) Lau Sing.
'So I'm dressed like I'm going to a ball.'
She added that her confidence wasn't because she was certain of bagging a win.
'It's because I have Jesus with me and also because I've never been scared of losing. So why would I not be confident?' she said, flashing us a brilliant smile.
'The biggest motivation for an artiste comes from the public, when they tell you they enjoyed your show. An award is an encouragement and a bonus.'
Tang also clarified earlier reports that said she no longer wanted to work with Lai.
Tang said she would, given their good chemistry as an on-screen couple, clear from their back-to-back successes of Rosy Business and No Regrets.
She hopes only that their next drama will not be as heavy and emotionally draining as No Regrets was.
Both Lai and Tang, who are contracted with TVB on a per drama basis, added they do not intend to sign artiste management contracts with the TV station despite all the accolades TVB has heaped on them.
The TVB TV Awards Presentation 2010 will be available on StarHub's TVBJ On Demand from Dec 10 onwards.
Who won what
Can't Buy Me Love
Wayne Lai (No Regrets)
Sheren Tang (No Regrets)
Evergreen Mak (No Regrets)
Fala Chen (No Regrets)
Raymond Lam (The Mysteries of Love )
Charmaine Sheh (Can't Buy Me Love)
Natalie Tong
Raymond Wong
Raymond Lam
Moses Chan
Louise Lee
- Credits to The New Paper
Regrettably - for its fans at least - the trophy went to comedy period drama Can't Buy Me Love .
Throughout the show, all the signs had pointed to a No Regrets sweep.
The TV station's anniversary drama, set in wartime Canton in the late 1930s, tells the tale of two unlikely lovers and their relationship.
It's a spin-off of the hit series Rosy Business, which grabbed six of the 15 awards last year. No Regrets stars Sheren Tang, Wayne Lai, Evergreen Mak and Fala Chen had triumphed in the four main acting categories.
Tang won Best Lead Actress and Lai Best Lead Actor for the second year in a row.
They won the same awards last year, for Rosy Business.
Chen was named Best Supporting Actress and Mak Best Supporting Actor.
The last episode of No Regrets - which was aired on Nov 28 - was watched by a staggering three million Hong Kong viewers.
Can't Buy Me Love's highest viewership was 2.87million viewers.
Even movie legend Chow Yun Fat reportedly admitted being a fan of No Regrets and rushed home to watch the finale.
The drama looked set to cap its phenomenal year at the TVB TV Awards show, which honours the best in Hong Kong television. The winners are decided by a panel of judges from TVB and public voting.
The most telling 'confirmation' seemed to come from acclaimed Hong Kong movie director Johnnie To while he was presenting the Best Drama Series category.
Before he opened the envelope containing the result, he said it didn't take much effort to guess which drama would win.
His face, however, changed when he opened the envelope. 'Oh, it's not (what I had thought it would be),' he said.
Speaking after the event, Mak and Lai told TheNew Paper that they were disappointed with the result.
Best Drama win was unexpected
Mak, 43, said: 'If I could, I would exchange my BestSupporting Actor win for the Best Drama Series award, because the latter is a win for the entire crew and cast.'
Agreed Lai, 46: 'If we win Best Drama Series, it's a group win, which means that everyone (involved in the drama) also wins.'
Unlike last year, when he won three awards - Favourite Male Character, TVB.com Most Popular Artiste, and Best Lead Actor - This year, Lai had only one victory to his name.
But it's good enough for him, he said.
'I took too many awards last year. Very rarely does an artiste take home three awards in the same show, so winning one is okay for me,' said the affable Lai.
The Best Lead Actor award was announced with much humour by guest presenter Sandra Ng.
The actress-comedienne threw the result envelope aside, adding: 'I don't need to look at the result, I already know in my heart who's going to win.'
She then shouted Lai's name.
But as he stood by to receive the many hugs and pats on the back from his colleagues, Ng burst out laughing, and said: 'Why do all of you trust me so much? I haven't even looked at the result!'
For a few seconds, uncertainty hung in the air.
It was only when the show's host, Carol Cheng, quickly walked over to open the envelope and confirmed the win that the true celebration began.
Best actress
Lai's No Regrets co-star Tang, who won her Best Lead Actress award before Lai, jokingly told The New Paper that she would have given her trophy to the production crew had he not won.
The 44-year-old actress was brimming with confidence and joy even before the awards show started.
Looking stunning in a black bustier top and black tulle skirt, with her long hair curled into soft waves, she revealed that her look was specially styled by famous Hong Kong lyricist Wyman Wong.
Said Tang: 'Wyman is a fan of No Regrets, and he told me that he wants to fulfil every fan's dream of seeing (my character) Cheng Kau Mui go on a date with (Lai's character) Lau Sing.
'So I'm dressed like I'm going to a ball.'
She added that her confidence wasn't because she was certain of bagging a win.
'It's because I have Jesus with me and also because I've never been scared of losing. So why would I not be confident?' she said, flashing us a brilliant smile.
'The biggest motivation for an artiste comes from the public, when they tell you they enjoyed your show. An award is an encouragement and a bonus.'
Tang also clarified earlier reports that said she no longer wanted to work with Lai.
Tang said she would, given their good chemistry as an on-screen couple, clear from their back-to-back successes of Rosy Business and No Regrets.
She hopes only that their next drama will not be as heavy and emotionally draining as No Regrets was.
Both Lai and Tang, who are contracted with TVB on a per drama basis, added they do not intend to sign artiste management contracts with the TV station despite all the accolades TVB has heaped on them.
The TVB TV Awards Presentation 2010 will be available on StarHub's TVBJ On Demand from Dec 10 onwards.
Who won what
Can't Buy Me Love
Wayne Lai (No Regrets)
Sheren Tang (No Regrets)
Evergreen Mak (No Regrets)
Fala Chen (No Regrets)
Raymond Lam (The Mysteries of Love )
Charmaine Sheh (Can't Buy Me Love)
Natalie Tong
Raymond Wong
Raymond Lam
Moses Chan
Louise Lee
- Credits to The New Paper
Interview with TV King and Queen @ Today's VIP
The TVB 43rd Anniversary awards ceremony was held last Sunday. Anniversary drama No Regrets became the biggest winner, winning the Best Supporting Actor/Actress, and Best Actor/Actress. Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang even won their second TV King and Queen consecutively. For this episode, we're lucky to invite the both of them for an interview, don't miss out!
Both Wayne and Sheren won their first TV King and Queen awards based on Rosy Business. This year, they managed to retain their titles based on No Regrets, a sequel to Rosy Business. During Wayne's thank-you speech, he jokingly asked the audience to listen and watch his thank-you speech last year. Both Sheren and Wayne said that they didn't have enough time to thank the people they wanted to thank on stage, so will they take this opportunity to thank who they wanted to thank?
Under golden producer Lee Tim Shing's lead, they managed to retain their titles, does this have any meaning to them? Were they under a lot of stress when the winners were about to be announced? Both of them wore black, and Sheren had the "modern Gau Mui" look. Why did she think of wearing that?
- Credits to doris8826 for video
This is a pretty interesting interview. We get to know how Sheren and Wayne feel about their characters in No Regrets, and how they go about acting such characters, and acting in general. However, I found it weird when the host suddenly talked about "loving your on-screen partner in real life". Lol, it sure did feel awkward, especially when Wayne is already a married man. xD
I love seeing the chemistry that both Sheren and Wayne exhibit on-screen, but otherwise, in real life, THEY ARE JUST GOOD FRIENDS, and I'm sure they'll stay that way. =D
Sheren and Wayne say that they do not really communicate much, even during filming. But oh my goodness me, how come they can still exhibit such amazing chemistry?! O.O''' I think this is what you call brilliant acting. No doubt worthy winners of the Best Acting awards! =D
No Regrets' celebratory dinner
Posted by
| Tuesday, December 7, 2010 |
Ben Wong,
Elena Kong,
Fala Chen,
Henry Lo,
Kara Hui,
Lee Tim Shing,
Nancy Wu,
Pierre Ngo,
Sheren Tang,
Wayne Lai,
Sheren Tang, Lee Tim Shing and Wayne Lai set new records with No Regrets. However, Wayne Lai has no intention to film the third installment. (I purposely made this phrase bigger lol!)
No Regrets, starring Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang as leads, ended with high ratings of 47 points, with 3 million viewers watching and crying at the same time. Last Sunday, No Regrets dominated the awards ceremony, with Sheren Tang and Wayne Lai winning Best Actress and Best Actor again, and Evergreen Mak and Fala Chen winning Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress.
Virginia Lok: TVB has a lot of money
TVB deputy executive chairman Mr Norman Leung is very happy with No Regrets' results, and invited everybody involved in this drama for dinner at a Western food restaurant. Wayne and Sheren naturally became the centre of attraction, and even the actors who played the Japanese soldiers were also present.
After that, Sheren interacted with a few TVB high executives including Stephan Chan, Virginia Lok and Catherine Tsang. Lok has dangled attractive terms in order to coax Sheren and Wayne into signing a contract with TVB. She said, "In the past, we didn't dare to bring up this matter, because we're afraid it would affect the results. This is now the good time to bring it up. We are very sincere. TVB has the most money. However, Wayne's wife is his manager, and will forever be. Sheren also has a manager whom she gets along very well with. Unless her manager retires, I don't think she'll sign on with TVB."
As to whether she'll sign on with TVB, Sheren said, "If my manager retires, TVB will have the upper hand. I've always filmed TVB dramas without any bond, and I don't know when I'll retire." Will she take this chance to increase her pay? Sheren joked that Gau Mui has a lot of money.
As for Wayne, he has no intention of asking for a higher pay, but has jokingly praised himself for being worth so much money.
- Credits to 21CN娱乐.com
No Regrets, starring Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang as leads, ended with high ratings of 47 points, with 3 million viewers watching and crying at the same time. Last Sunday, No Regrets dominated the awards ceremony, with Sheren Tang and Wayne Lai winning Best Actress and Best Actor again, and Evergreen Mak and Fala Chen winning Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress.
Virginia Lok: TVB has a lot of money
TVB deputy executive chairman Mr Norman Leung is very happy with No Regrets' results, and invited everybody involved in this drama for dinner at a Western food restaurant. Wayne and Sheren naturally became the centre of attraction, and even the actors who played the Japanese soldiers were also present.
After that, Sheren interacted with a few TVB high executives including Stephan Chan, Virginia Lok and Catherine Tsang. Lok has dangled attractive terms in order to coax Sheren and Wayne into signing a contract with TVB. She said, "In the past, we didn't dare to bring up this matter, because we're afraid it would affect the results. This is now the good time to bring it up. We are very sincere. TVB has the most money. However, Wayne's wife is his manager, and will forever be. Sheren also has a manager whom she gets along very well with. Unless her manager retires, I don't think she'll sign on with TVB."
As to whether she'll sign on with TVB, Sheren said, "If my manager retires, TVB will have the upper hand. I've always filmed TVB dramas without any bond, and I don't know when I'll retire." Will she take this chance to increase her pay? Sheren joked that Gau Mui has a lot of money.
As for Wayne, he has no intention of asking for a higher pay, but has jokingly praised himself for being worth so much money.
- Credits to 21CN娱乐.com
Sheren's, Wayne's and Evergreen's interview @ 巴巴閉邊個夠我查篤撐
Here are the post-award interviews with Eileen Cha! ^^ More comments later, because I'm currently listening to them! =D
Click here to listen to Sheren's interview (part 1).
Click here to listen to Wayne's phone interview (part 3).
Click here to listen to Evergreen's interview (first half of the interview).
Comments: Part 2 is not related to No Regrets. Haha, Sheren's really cute! She said that when Nick Cheung handed her the Best Actress award last year, he said, "唔洗做一姐,九姐!" Sheren said that she didn't receive the script for No Regrets yet, and didn't get why Nick called her 九姐! So... Nick is really something huh? xD
And haha, Wayne was really scared when Sandra Ng called out his name without looking at the card. xD Wayne sounds so different on the phone though! o.O'''
Evergreen also talked about his filming experience with Wayne, since both of them have collaborated before. I think Evergreen gave one of the best speeches that night! =)
Eileen Cha also talked about the complaints that TVB received for the awards results, with 60% of the audience saying that No Regrets should have gotten the Best Drama award.
Click here to listen to Sheren's interview (part 1).
Click here to listen to Wayne's phone interview (part 3).
Click here to listen to Evergreen's interview (first half of the interview).
Comments: Part 2 is not related to No Regrets. Haha, Sheren's really cute! She said that when Nick Cheung handed her the Best Actress award last year, he said, "唔洗做一姐,九姐!" Sheren said that she didn't receive the script for No Regrets yet, and didn't get why Nick called her 九姐! So... Nick is really something huh? xD
And haha, Wayne was really scared when Sandra Ng called out his name without looking at the card. xD Wayne sounds so different on the phone though! o.O'''
Evergreen also talked about his filming experience with Wayne, since both of them have collaborated before. I think Evergreen gave one of the best speeches that night! =)
Eileen Cha also talked about the complaints that TVB received for the awards results, with 60% of the audience saying that No Regrets should have gotten the Best Drama award.
31 Complaints About 'No Regrets' Losing 'Best Series'
Although the 43rd TVB Anniversary Awards ended on Sunday night, but the audience are very unsatisfied with the results, bashing TVB for giving "Best Series" to "Can't Buy Me Love." Even well-known director Johnnie To was surprised when he was announcing the winner of "Best Series." Before announcing the winner, Johnnie seems to look highly on "No Regrets" and said: "Then it's definitely a fair game!" However, he was surprised after looking at the winner envelope: "Huh? It's not that one...Can't Buy Me Love!"
The director expressed through his secretary that he actually did not watch these 2 anniversary series. But he thought "No Regrets" was the most popular since most people at the show seem to be supporting it, that was why he did not know how to react when he saw the result. He did not prepare anything to say because he only came to present the award.
Not only "Best Series," viewers are also not satisifed with Raymond Lam winning "My Favorite Male TV Character" over the hot favorite Moses Can. They complain TVB sacrificed Moses and only let him win a consolation prize ("Best Professional Performance Award").
Broadcast Authority received 15 complaints yesterday about the result of "Best Series" is not fair. TVB received 32 different opinions towards the award ceremony: 16 about "No Regrets" should win "Best Series"; 4 about Raymond should not win "My Favorite"; 4 about appreciating actors and staff of "No Regrets"; 2 about Wayne Lai deserves winning; 5 about Charmaine Sheh had a breakthrough in "Can't Buy Me Love" and should win TV Queen; 1 about "Can't Buy Me Love" and "No Regrets should win "Best Series" together.
Producer of "Can't Buy Me Love" Mui Siu Ching expressed the two series have their own fans. She is very happy to receive congratulations from the producer of "No Regrets" Lee Tim Sing. Everyone worked hard for the series already. The award ceremony is over now and now she needs to focus in "Forensic Heroes 3."
Producer Lee frankly admitted feeling disappointed. When the result was announced, everyone was shocked a little. But since it is already decided, he can only feel helpless about it. He feels happy for Wayne and Sheren Tang winning TV King and Queen two consecutive years. Evergreen Mak is excellent and Dominic Lam, another hot favorite for "Best Supporting Actor," only lost a little bit.
- Credits to Kay's Entertainment
Comments: Tim Gor, No Regrets will forever be the best drama in our hearts! <3 So don't have to feel disappointed! ^^ The number of complaints show how much support No Regrets has! =D
The director expressed through his secretary that he actually did not watch these 2 anniversary series. But he thought "No Regrets" was the most popular since most people at the show seem to be supporting it, that was why he did not know how to react when he saw the result. He did not prepare anything to say because he only came to present the award.
Not only "Best Series," viewers are also not satisifed with Raymond Lam winning "My Favorite Male TV Character" over the hot favorite Moses Can. They complain TVB sacrificed Moses and only let him win a consolation prize ("Best Professional Performance Award").
Broadcast Authority received 15 complaints yesterday about the result of "Best Series" is not fair. TVB received 32 different opinions towards the award ceremony: 16 about "No Regrets" should win "Best Series"; 4 about Raymond should not win "My Favorite"; 4 about appreciating actors and staff of "No Regrets"; 2 about Wayne Lai deserves winning; 5 about Charmaine Sheh had a breakthrough in "Can't Buy Me Love" and should win TV Queen; 1 about "Can't Buy Me Love" and "No Regrets should win "Best Series" together.
Producer of "Can't Buy Me Love" Mui Siu Ching expressed the two series have their own fans. She is very happy to receive congratulations from the producer of "No Regrets" Lee Tim Sing. Everyone worked hard for the series already. The award ceremony is over now and now she needs to focus in "Forensic Heroes 3."
Producer Lee frankly admitted feeling disappointed. When the result was announced, everyone was shocked a little. But since it is already decided, he can only feel helpless about it. He feels happy for Wayne and Sheren Tang winning TV King and Queen two consecutive years. Evergreen Mak is excellent and Dominic Lam, another hot favorite for "Best Supporting Actor," only lost a little bit.
- Credits to Kay's Entertainment
Comments: Tim Gor, No Regrets will forever be the best drama in our hearts! <3 So don't have to feel disappointed! ^^ The number of complaints show how much support No Regrets has! =D
TVB Weekly #702
Posted by
| |
Evergreen Mak,
Fala Chen,
Raymond Wong,
Sheren Tang,
TVB Weekly,
Wayne Lai
Yay! Our dear Sing Gau are on cover! <3333 And congratulations to all No Regrets' cast for winning both the awards and our hearts! ^^
- Credits to aNNa哭 of 邓萃雯吧
Click here to view the rest of the pages. Aiyah, I can't post the pictures here, because PDF doesn't allow one to copy and paste lol. xD I've finally posted the scans related to No Regrets! Enjoy reading! =D
- Credits to aNNa哭 of 邓萃雯吧
Postcript from Wayne Lai
今年失落最佳劇集確實是我一個最大的遺憾,得男主角獎的喜悅實在難以掩蓋失望的情緒. 跟大家分享一個不為人知的秘密…..當我最後上台時,杜琪峰導演跟我說,他雖然沒有看義海豪情,但就剛剛看到的片段就覺得很好看.他的坦誠,他的直率,他的眼光,他的智慧,實在令我佩服得五體投地.在此,我代表義海團隊和全世界義海迷,向杜琪峰導演致敬!
Losing this year's Best Drama award is really one of the biggest regrets in my life. I can't hide my disappointment even though I won the Best Actor award. Let me share a secret with you guys. When I went on stage, Johnnie To told me that even though he didn't watch No Regrets, but from the trailer that was played during the announcement of the top 5 nominees for Best Drama, he knew that No Regrets was a good drama. His frankness, his views and his intelligence made me respect him even more. On behalf of the No Regrets' team and fans of No Regrets, I salute Director To!
- Credits to Wayne Lai's TVB blog
Comments: Wayne's blog post made me smile. No Regrets may have lost the Best Drama award, but it has already won in the hearts of the audience. =) This is really very evident, especially on Weibo. Just look at the number of people in the entertainment industry who love watching No Regrets (Eason Chan, Maggie Cheung, Jessica Hsuan etc.)... So, I'm not sad now! =D No matter what the results are, No Regrets is truly one of the best dramas that TVB has made! =D
TVB 43rd Anniversary Awards Ceremony (2010)
The annual TVB Awards ceremony was held yesterday, and it was a battle between both Can't Buy Me Love and No Regrets. The results have proven this point. Unlike Rosy Business, which swept last year's awards, the limelight was on Sheren Tang and Wayne Lai, who set new records for TVB by becoming winning both the TV King and TV Queen awards consecutively for 2 years. However, there was a moment of silence when Can't Buy Me Love was announced as the winner of the Best Drama award as No Regrets was expected to take home that award. Charmaine Sheh won the My Favourite Female Character award while Moses Chan won the Best Performance award.
Competition for this year was really tight, and there was no clear winner. The Best Supporting Actor went to Evergreen Mak and the Best Supporting Actress went to Fala Chen. The Most Improved Female award went to Natalie Tong while the Most Improved Male award went to Raymond Wong. Raymond Lam had high popularity, but was not good enough to become TV King. He went on to win the TVB.com prize and the My Favourite Male Character award instead.
Gau Mui leaves deep impression - Sheren Tang beats Charmaine Sheh to win Best Actress again
Before the awards ceremony, the media had already placed their bets on Sheren and Charmaine. No Regrets' "Gau Mui" left a very deep impression on the audience and managed to beat Charmaine, winning the Best Actress award again, while Charmaine was left to take the My Favourite Female Character award.
Wayne Lai wins Best Actor again
The fight for this year's TV King was not as fierce as the fight for TV Queen. No Regrets' Lau Sing, who went through much difficulty with Gau Mui, was once again crowned Best Actor. When Sandra Ng said, "Actually, everybody knows who it is.", Wayne was the one who had the last laugh. On stage, Wayne never forgot to hug Sandra.
Raymond Wong succeeds in winning Most Improved Male award
Raymond, who was in the movie industry, managed to get the Most Improved Male award this year. It was also his first TV prize in 13 years. He had 8 dramas lined up this year, and had delivered in both Can't Buy Me Love and No Regrets. His role as Yeung Yeung in No Regrets had brought him more popularity and praises.
Supporting roles attract attention
The Best Supporting Male and Female went to Evergreen Mak and Fala Chen respectively. Both of them could not resist their tears. Evergreen was so emotional until he couldn't speak properly.
Red carpet
Part 1 of awards ceremony
Part 2 of awards ceremony
Part 3 of awards ceremony
Part 4 of awards ceremony
Competition for this year was really tight, and there was no clear winner. The Best Supporting Actor went to Evergreen Mak and the Best Supporting Actress went to Fala Chen. The Most Improved Female award went to Natalie Tong while the Most Improved Male award went to Raymond Wong. Raymond Lam had high popularity, but was not good enough to become TV King. He went on to win the TVB.com prize and the My Favourite Male Character award instead.
Gau Mui leaves deep impression - Sheren Tang beats Charmaine Sheh to win Best Actress again
Before the awards ceremony, the media had already placed their bets on Sheren and Charmaine. No Regrets' "Gau Mui" left a very deep impression on the audience and managed to beat Charmaine, winning the Best Actress award again, while Charmaine was left to take the My Favourite Female Character award.
Wayne Lai wins Best Actor again
The fight for this year's TV King was not as fierce as the fight for TV Queen. No Regrets' Lau Sing, who went through much difficulty with Gau Mui, was once again crowned Best Actor. When Sandra Ng said, "Actually, everybody knows who it is.", Wayne was the one who had the last laugh. On stage, Wayne never forgot to hug Sandra.
Raymond Wong succeeds in winning Most Improved Male award
Raymond, who was in the movie industry, managed to get the Most Improved Male award this year. It was also his first TV prize in 13 years. He had 8 dramas lined up this year, and had delivered in both Can't Buy Me Love and No Regrets. His role as Yeung Yeung in No Regrets had brought him more popularity and praises.
Supporting roles attract attention
The Best Supporting Male and Female went to Evergreen Mak and Fala Chen respectively. Both of them could not resist their tears. Evergreen was so emotional until he couldn't speak properly.
Newspaper scans about No Regrets
Posted by
| Sunday, December 5, 2010 |
Sheren Tang,
Wayne Lai
TODAY'S THE BIG DAY! Let's see if BVT will screw up the awards... Thank you to a fellow No Regrets' fan for hosting me! ^^ I'm going to watch the awards ceremony at her house since I don't have Starhub cable TV! So... LET'S ALL HOPE FOR THE BEST, SHALL WE? =D I don't think I'll be able to update the results live since I would be at somebody's house, but I'll update as soon as I reach home! =D
Here are some newspaper scans from Wanbao and Shin Min Daily. Thanks a lot, Zesa! *feels very very touched* Let's get high later! ^^
- Credits to Zesa
Here are some newspaper scans from Wanbao and Shin Min Daily. Thanks a lot, Zesa! *feels very very touched* Let's get high later! ^^
- Credits to Zesa