Below are the promotional posters used to promote No Regrets in Malaysia. The Astro magazine has also some articles regarding this drama, but I will only post them when there are higher resolutions available. Please wait! ^^
- Credits to 蒙蒙真可爱 of 义海豪情吧
Comments: Oh man! I love this! I love the way Gau Mui look at Lau Sing! There's really so much love and yet worry in her eyes (although that could be just a farce)! =D And haha, Pierre is supposed to be playing a good guy this time round, how come he still looks as if he's the bad guy? xD
Promo pictures for Malaysia
Posted by
| Thursday, September 30, 2010 |
Elliot Ngok,
Fala Chen,
Kara Hui,
Nancy Wu,
Pierre Ngo,
Raymond Wong,
Sheren Tang,
Susan Tse,
Wayne Lai
Trailer 1
Trailer 1 for No Regrets!
- Video downloaded from
- You are welcomed to request for the trailer. Just leave down your particulars here or in the tag-board. =)
Comments: OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH! This trailer is really, very good! It makes me feel like watching it even more. I totally agree with some people, saying that it was really like a movie trailer. If you guys have watched the Harry Potter movies, the scene whereby the Cheng family raised their glasses and guns totally looked like the Death Eaters raising their wands to acknowledge Voldemort. And yes, the smoke that formed Sheren Tang's name totally looked like Voldemort's Death Mark in Harry Potter! Coolness to the max! I am totally loving Gau Mui's arrogance in this trailer! Sheren really, has a very imposing presence! =D I think I will love her character to bits even though she's supposed to be a villain. <3 What do you guys think? Feel free to comment on this post or leave a message in the tag-board! ^^
Mingpao Weekly #2185 - Last review
Posted by
| Monday, September 27, 2010 |
Mingpao Weekly,
Sheren Tang,
Wayne Lai
Below is an excerpt from 朱乐言, who is writing his/her last piece for Mingpao Weekly, I suppose. =/
...There's still TVB, who is the dominant company of the media. However, the dominant company must also learn to adapt. These few days, this dominant firm has also lost its way.
Stephan Chan. Accusations of copying. Monopoly. The scandal about the 4 main singing companies. Raymond Lam's declining popularity. Miss Hong Kong being too fat...
If I go on, I'll never finish my last review.
Before bidding farewell, I should offer the TV audience some hope. There is still hope for Hong Kong television, because there are still TVB dramas.
Really? Are you sure that Can’t Buy Me Love really represents all that is good about TVB? From the beginning of the year till now, Can’t Buy Me Love is considered a rather good production, but if I were to choose the best out of the best, it will have to be No Regrets, which will be broadcasted on 18th October 2010. I guarantee, once this drama is broadcasted, it will ignite lively discussions throughout the whole of Hong Kong. Besides seeing whether Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang will be able to win their Best Actor and Best Actress awards again, there are also the main villains in the drama – the Japanese soldiers, who will be stamping on the pride of Chinese people. Who wouldn’t want to beat the Japanese soldiers?
I predict that No Regrets will be a success. If my hands are feeling itchy, may I have the honour to write the review for this drama?
Comments: I heard that he or she is a very prolific writer in Mingpao. If No Regrets really turns out to be a success, I would love to read his/her review on it as well! ^^
...There's still TVB, who is the dominant company of the media. However, the dominant company must also learn to adapt. These few days, this dominant firm has also lost its way.
Stephan Chan. Accusations of copying. Monopoly. The scandal about the 4 main singing companies. Raymond Lam's declining popularity. Miss Hong Kong being too fat...
If I go on, I'll never finish my last review.
Before bidding farewell, I should offer the TV audience some hope. There is still hope for Hong Kong television, because there are still TVB dramas.
Really? Are you sure that Can’t Buy Me Love really represents all that is good about TVB? From the beginning of the year till now, Can’t Buy Me Love is considered a rather good production, but if I were to choose the best out of the best, it will have to be No Regrets, which will be broadcasted on 18th October 2010. I guarantee, once this drama is broadcasted, it will ignite lively discussions throughout the whole of Hong Kong. Besides seeing whether Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang will be able to win their Best Actor and Best Actress awards again, there are also the main villains in the drama – the Japanese soldiers, who will be stamping on the pride of Chinese people. Who wouldn’t want to beat the Japanese soldiers?
I predict that No Regrets will be a success. If my hands are feeling itchy, may I have the honour to write the review for this drama?
Comments: I heard that he or she is a very prolific writer in Mingpao. If No Regrets really turns out to be a success, I would love to read his/her review on it as well! ^^
Moses Chan thinks that Wayne Lai will become TV King
Although Moses Chan has said that he doesn't mind not getting the prize, both his fists were clenched, implying that he must give the prize this time round.
Based on his role as the 3rd Princess’ husband in Can’t Buy My Love, Moses Chan is being seen as a hot favourite for this year’s TV King. Together with Michelle Yim, Michael Miu etc., he attended Next Magazine’s “Healthy Lifestyle Award” event. He also met Wayne Lai, whose drama No Regrets will be aired next month. The 2 hot favourites for TV King were in a battle of popularity yesterday. Moses thinks that Wayne will be able to win the TV King again.
No strong feelings towards the prize
No wonder Moses Chan was on all smiles yesterday, as he has the chance to become TV King again. However, when asked whether he has the confidence, he replied, “So long as the drama makes the audience happy, it’s enough for me. I won’t eye the award as there are still dramas that have not been broadcasted, such as No Regrets."
- Credits to
Comments: Haha, it's still too early to say who will get which award, but yes, I do hope that the most deserving ones will get their due. Moses also mentioned that he is looking forward to Sheren's performance. Of course, if Wayne and Sheren manages to shine in No Regrets, then why not award them the Best Actor and Best Actress again, if they truly deserve it? =)
Gun Metal Grey prepares to take on No Regrets!
After the fiasco over Stephan Chan’s corruption case, the battle between the TVB executives has once again heated up! According to the Hong Kong media, between October and November (TVB Anniversary months) every year, it will be 2 dramas that fight to be the best of the best. This is the battle between Catherine Tsang and Tommy Leung and it has been going on for years. They have both won and lost. However, in recent years, Tsang’s dramas have been very well-received and critically-acclaimed, and they include Heart of Greed and Rosy Business. In order not to lose to Tsang’s dramas, Leung has decided to push Gun Metal Grey, which stars Felix Wong and Michael Miu, to compete with Tsang’s No Regrets.
Tommy Leung changes strategy
Last year, Leung’s drama Born Rich was defeated by Tsang’s Beyond the Realm of Conscience. He does not want to lose again, hence he decided against broadcasting Relics of an Emissary, which stars Sammul Chan and Kate Tsui and switched to police drama Gun Metal Grey instead.
In September this year, Leung’s Growing Through Life was defeated by Tsang’s Can’t Buy Me Love. Growing Through Life, which is being led by Raymond Lam, Bosco Wong, Damian Lau and Cecilia Yip, has received poor reception, with the average ratings being only 27 points. However, Can’t Buy Me Love, which is being led by Moses Chan and Charmaine Sheh, has been getting an average rating of 33 points. Leung saw that he could not afford to lose to Tsang again, hence he decided to use Gun Metal Grey as this year’s Anniversary series.
It was said that Relics of an Emmisary was taken out because it was led by younger cast members. Felix Wong’s come-back to TVB and the collaboration between the "2 Tigers" was also the main selling point of Gun Metal Grey, and therefore, guaranteed ratings. Also, Leung’s E.U. was also very well-received by the Hong Kong audience. It is no wonder that he has confidence in police dramas.
In reponse to such a change, when the Hong Kong media approaced Leung for clarification, he said, "The anniversary series are determined by the programmes department. It was said that Relics of an Emmisary was first chosen, but they decided againse it due to the background of the drama. (Are you confident of Gun Metal Grey?) As for confidence, you must ask the producer, but I have watched this drama and I think it’s good."
Catherine Tsang snatches the limelight
Cathering Tsang was in-charge of dramas such as Heart of Greed, Moonlight Resonance, Rosy Busines and Beyond the Realm of Conscience. These dramas have received high ratings and good reception. For the last 2 years, her dramas have swept all the major awards in the TVB Anniversary Awards. In the battle between Leung and herself, the most classic example was the clash between Born Rich, which starred Gallen Lo, Ray Lui, Jaime Chik and Anita Yuen, and Beyond the Realm of Conscience. In the end, Beyond the Realm of Conscience had ratings of 35 points, with the highest being 50 points, setting the record for Hong Kong television. Born Rich was lambasted for being boring and therefore, had poor ratings.
This year, Tsang’s pre-modern drama, No Regrets, which is being produced by ace producer Lee Tim Shing and led by TV King and Queen Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang, has been highly anticipated by many even though it has not been aired yet as there are many discussion points for this drama.
Regarding the battle between the 2 executives, Wayne Lai said, "Throughout these few years, the programmes department has arranged dramas according to their topics, so I am guessing that this time round, they arranged No Regrets and Gun Metal Grey to be Anniversary series as they have different topics. I hope that these 2 dramas will have good ratings, so that both sides may win." No Regrets’ producer Lee Tim Shing has confidence for his drama. "Everybody hopes that this drama will rewrite the ratings record for Hong Kong. Whether we will eventually succeed is not known, but Lee Tim Shing humbly said that police dramas have always been a ratings guarantee, so he hopes that both No Regrets and Gun Metal Grey will succeed.
- Credits to
Comments: I hope both dramas will succeed, but of course, there's a reason why I set up this blog. I echo Producer Lee's wish. I want to see No Regrets rewrite the ratings records for Hong Kong i.e. hit at least 51 points. Rosy Business could have hit at least 50 points, but it didn't because the high-definition TV ratings were not taken into account. Therefore, I really hope that No Regrets will really have No Regrets. People in Hong Kong, do give your greatest support to No Regrets! =D
Tommy Leung changes strategy
Last year, Leung’s drama Born Rich was defeated by Tsang’s Beyond the Realm of Conscience. He does not want to lose again, hence he decided against broadcasting Relics of an Emissary, which stars Sammul Chan and Kate Tsui and switched to police drama Gun Metal Grey instead.
In September this year, Leung’s Growing Through Life was defeated by Tsang’s Can’t Buy Me Love. Growing Through Life, which is being led by Raymond Lam, Bosco Wong, Damian Lau and Cecilia Yip, has received poor reception, with the average ratings being only 27 points. However, Can’t Buy Me Love, which is being led by Moses Chan and Charmaine Sheh, has been getting an average rating of 33 points. Leung saw that he could not afford to lose to Tsang again, hence he decided to use Gun Metal Grey as this year’s Anniversary series.
It was said that Relics of an Emmisary was taken out because it was led by younger cast members. Felix Wong’s come-back to TVB and the collaboration between the "2 Tigers" was also the main selling point of Gun Metal Grey, and therefore, guaranteed ratings. Also, Leung’s E.U. was also very well-received by the Hong Kong audience. It is no wonder that he has confidence in police dramas.
In reponse to such a change, when the Hong Kong media approaced Leung for clarification, he said, "The anniversary series are determined by the programmes department. It was said that Relics of an Emmisary was first chosen, but they decided againse it due to the background of the drama. (Are you confident of Gun Metal Grey?) As for confidence, you must ask the producer, but I have watched this drama and I think it’s good."
Catherine Tsang snatches the limelight
Cathering Tsang was in-charge of dramas such as Heart of Greed, Moonlight Resonance, Rosy Busines and Beyond the Realm of Conscience. These dramas have received high ratings and good reception. For the last 2 years, her dramas have swept all the major awards in the TVB Anniversary Awards. In the battle between Leung and herself, the most classic example was the clash between Born Rich, which starred Gallen Lo, Ray Lui, Jaime Chik and Anita Yuen, and Beyond the Realm of Conscience. In the end, Beyond the Realm of Conscience had ratings of 35 points, with the highest being 50 points, setting the record for Hong Kong television. Born Rich was lambasted for being boring and therefore, had poor ratings.
This year, Tsang’s pre-modern drama, No Regrets, which is being produced by ace producer Lee Tim Shing and led by TV King and Queen Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang, has been highly anticipated by many even though it has not been aired yet as there are many discussion points for this drama.
Regarding the battle between the 2 executives, Wayne Lai said, "Throughout these few years, the programmes department has arranged dramas according to their topics, so I am guessing that this time round, they arranged No Regrets and Gun Metal Grey to be Anniversary series as they have different topics. I hope that these 2 dramas will have good ratings, so that both sides may win." No Regrets’ producer Lee Tim Shing has confidence for his drama. "Everybody hopes that this drama will rewrite the ratings record for Hong Kong. Whether we will eventually succeed is not known, but Lee Tim Shing humbly said that police dramas have always been a ratings guarantee, so he hopes that both No Regrets and Gun Metal Grey will succeed.
- Credits to
Comments: I hope both dramas will succeed, but of course, there's a reason why I set up this blog. I echo Producer Lee's wish. I want to see No Regrets rewrite the ratings records for Hong Kong i.e. hit at least 51 points. Rosy Business could have hit at least 50 points, but it didn't because the high-definition TV ratings were not taken into account. Therefore, I really hope that No Regrets will really have No Regrets. People in Hong Kong, do give your greatest support to No Regrets! =D
More information on Malaysia's promo
Posted by
| Thursday, September 23, 2010 |
Fala Chen,
Pierre Ngo,
Wayne Lai
To coincide with the broadcast of one of grand production drama series, No Regrets, Astro On Demand will be inviting Wayne Lai, Fala Chen and Pierre Ngo to Malaysia on the 2nd October 2010 to promote this drama. The 3 of them will be at Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall's main entrance at 4 pm, and at Berjaya Times Square's main entrance at 7 pm. They will also participate in games and give out prizes to drama fans. At the same time, local artiste Danny Xu Jia Lin, Wang Ming Li and "Astro Classic Song Competition" contestants will be singing songs during the activity.
These 3 artistes will also be involved in the voting for "My AOD My Favourite 2010"'s nomination list. "My AOD My Favourite 2010" is jointly organised by Astro On Demand, My FM and Hong Kong's TVB. It will let drama fans vote for their favourite artistes as well as drama. Dramas involved include those that were shown from last November till October 2010. Lucky participants who pass the test set by My FM DJs will get the chance to win tickets to Hong Kong (return tickets with accommodation) and witness the glamorous TVB Anniversary Awards 2010 at TVB City. More information will be revealed later on.
Besides being able to personally see your favourite stars, whoever signs up for a Astro On Demand package will also get the chance to have the artistes' autographs.
No Regrets will be aired on Astro On Demand (Channel 901), starting from the 18th October 2010 at 8.30 pm.
- Credits to 阿甘gamejordan of 义海豪情吧
- Credits to Sally
Comments: zZz... Too bad I don't live in Malaysia. How come TVB artistes just don't come to Singapore often enough?! -.-''' Malaysian fans, please provide photos if you see them! Thanks a lot! =D
These 3 artistes will also be involved in the voting for "My AOD My Favourite 2010"'s nomination list. "My AOD My Favourite 2010" is jointly organised by Astro On Demand, My FM and Hong Kong's TVB. It will let drama fans vote for their favourite artistes as well as drama. Dramas involved include those that were shown from last November till October 2010. Lucky participants who pass the test set by My FM DJs will get the chance to win tickets to Hong Kong (return tickets with accommodation) and witness the glamorous TVB Anniversary Awards 2010 at TVB City. More information will be revealed later on.
Besides being able to personally see your favourite stars, whoever signs up for a Astro On Demand package will also get the chance to have the artistes' autographs.
No Regrets will be aired on Astro On Demand (Channel 901), starting from the 18th October 2010 at 8.30 pm.
- Credits to 阿甘gamejordan of 义海豪情吧
No Regrets' promo @ Malaysia:
1st October 2010(Friday)
Time:6.30 pm - 8 pm
Activity:My FM Interview (Live)
Guests: Wayne Lai, Fala Chen, Pierre Ngo
2nd October 2010(Saturday)
Place:Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall
Time:4 pm - 5 pm
Guests: Wayne Lai, Fala Chen, Pierre Ngo
Place: Berjaya Times Square
Time:7 pm - 8 pm
Guests: Wayne Lai, Fala Chen, Pierre Ngo
- Credits to Sally
Comments: zZz... Too bad I don't live in Malaysia. How come TVB artistes just don't come to Singapore often enough?! -.-''' Malaysian fans, please provide photos if you see them! Thanks a lot! =D
Wayne Lai's promo for No Regrets
This is Wayne Lai doing a promotion for No Regrets!

Comments: Wayne looks very manly when he's holding those guns! xDD Anyway, this year's TVB 43rd Anniversary Awards will be held in DECEMBER. The exact date is not known, but hopefully they will follow the Korean stations drama awards and hold it just before New Year. xD
Last of all, before the day ends, let me wish all No Regret blog readers Happy Mooncake Festival!
穎怡同米Sally祝大家中秋節快樂! =D

Comments: Wayne looks very manly when he's holding those guns! xDD Anyway, this year's TVB 43rd Anniversary Awards will be held in DECEMBER. The exact date is not known, but hopefully they will follow the Korean stations drama awards and hold it just before New Year. xD
Last of all, before the day ends, let me wish all No Regret blog readers Happy Mooncake Festival!
穎怡同米Sally祝大家中秋節快樂! =D
Lee Man Fun's TVB blog: Filming No Regrets; YEAH!
Synopsis for No Regrets
Posted by
| Tuesday, September 21, 2010 |
Elliot Ngok,
Fala Chen,
Kara Hui,
Nancy Wu,
Pierre Ngo,
Raymond Wong,
Sheren Tang,
Susan Tse,
Wayne Lai
No Regrets
Every Monday to Friday (8.30 pm to 9.30 pm) on TVB Jade and TVB Jade HD
Producer: Lee Tim Shing
Script-writers: Cheung Wah Biu, Chan Ching Yee
No. of episodes: 32
Cast: Sheren Tang, Wayne Lai, Raymond Wong, Fala Chen, Kara Hui, Elliot Ngok, Susan Tse, Pierre Ngo
Guangzhou is in a state of political turmoil in the 1930s. Gangsters are on a rampage and opium trading becomes rampant. As they watch the illicit profits from opium trading escalate, the government forms the Anti-Smoking Bureau under the guise of suppressing opium, but the bureau is under the influence of CHENG LONG-KWAN (Elliot Ngok), the gang’s kingpin. His eldest daughter CHENG KAU-MUI (Sheren Tang) who is an unscrupulous person soon returns from Shanghai to reap the rewards. MUI meticulously plans her every move.
On the other hand, LAU SING (Wayne Lai) is the leader of the Criminal Investigation Team. He has worked hard all his life to ensure an easy trail for his family, especially for his bed-ridden younger sister LAU CHING (Fala Chen). Despite his hot temper, he values friendship and brotherhood more than anything else. Once, he almost sacrificed his life to help his timid teammate, TONG KAT (Pierre Ngo).
It is fated that MUI and SING should meet each other and survive many calamities. It is also fated that both are fierce contenders who will never give in, although mutual understanding and affection slowly grows between them.
Meanwhile, the Japanese army invades China and Guangzhou falls into the hands of the Japanese. MUI enters the darkest time in her life when her aunt CHENG LONG-HEI (Susan Tse) frames her.
Will SING always be by her side?
Comments: OH MY OH MY! I really can't wait for this drama to be broadcasted! I really want to see how evil Gau Mui can get, how evil Long Hei can get, and how sweet Lau Sing can get! <33333 Do let me know your views about this synopsis!! =D
Tommy Leung battles Catherine Tsang!
Mingpao Weekly #2184 TVB Anniversary series draw swords - Tommy Leung battles Catherine Tsang
Every year, TVB's anniversary series will become the battle between the 2 biggest heads, Catherine Tsang and Tommy Leung. They battle ratings as well as performances. However, last year, Born Rich, which was under Tommy, was defeated by Catherine's Beyond the Realm of Conscience. Moreover, Catherine's series have been doing very well in ratings in recent years, so Tommy had to choice but to lose. For this year, Tommy had wanted to push Relic of an Emmisary to turn tables against Catherine, but now is intending to use Gun Metal Grey, which stars Felix Wong and Michael Miu to fend off a strong competitor from Catherine's side, No Regrets.

- Credits to
Comments: Wow! I'm really looking forward to both No Regrets and Gun Metal Grey, since both their storylines are really very attractive! Of course, I'm hoping for No Regrets to succeed even more! ^^ Hopefully they'll break the ratings record, since the last episode will be aired on a Sunday (28/11/2010), which will surely attract more people to watch. Go go go, No Regrets! Please really make this No Regrets! =D
Every year, TVB's anniversary series will become the battle between the 2 biggest heads, Catherine Tsang and Tommy Leung. They battle ratings as well as performances. However, last year, Born Rich, which was under Tommy, was defeated by Catherine's Beyond the Realm of Conscience. Moreover, Catherine's series have been doing very well in ratings in recent years, so Tommy had to choice but to lose. For this year, Tommy had wanted to push Relic of an Emmisary to turn tables against Catherine, but now is intending to use Gun Metal Grey, which stars Felix Wong and Michael Miu to fend off a strong competitor from Catherine's side, No Regrets.
- Credits to
Comments: Wow! I'm really looking forward to both No Regrets and Gun Metal Grey, since both their storylines are really very attractive! Of course, I'm hoping for No Regrets to succeed even more! ^^ Hopefully they'll break the ratings record, since the last episode will be aired on a Sunday (28/11/2010), which will surely attract more people to watch. Go go go, No Regrets! Please really make this No Regrets! =D
No Regrets' promo @ Malaysia
Posted by
| Friday, September 17, 2010 |
Fala Chen,
Pierre Ngo,
Wayne Lai,
十月一至三日我會到,馬來西亞做巾幗2 promotion
From 1-3 October, I will be in Malaysia to do promotional activities for No Regrets.
- Credits to Pierre Ngo's Weibo
Comments: Haha, too bad I don't live in Malaysia... Fala Chen and Wayne Lai are going to Malaysia with Pierre as well. Any Malaysians here? =P
Sheren Tang is coming back to HK!
邓萃雯将于10月中旬回港出席“日本命力强骼素”的宣传活动,同时将会参与《巾帼枭雄2 之 义海豪情》的宣传。另附上经纪人Helen的问侯:「Send my warm and best regards to the fans. May Jesus bless you ALL . 」
Sheren Tang will be back in Hong Kong by mid October to attend a promotional event by the product she is endorsing, and will also attend No Regret's promotional activity. She has also sent her regards to all fans through her manager, Helen. "Send my warm and best regards to the fans. May Jesus blss you ALL."
- Credits to WiNiE乂魚 of
Comments: Yay! Sheren Tang is finally coming back to Hong Kong! I was so worried that she wouldn't be able to make it back for No Regret's promotional activities since she was in China filming her new drama, "The New Huan Zhu Ge Ge". But since she's the first female lead in No Regrets, I don't think she will miss her promotional activities. Hopefully my cousin can catch a glimpse of her again! xD
No Regrets' promo @ HK
10月16日 時間待定 東港城
10月30/31日 時間地點待定
No Regrets' promotional activities are on the 16th October (time not confirmed) @ East Point City and on the 30th/31st October (time and location not confirmed)
The above information are subjected to changes!!!
- Credits to 豆奶 of
Child and teenage version of Cheng Long Hei
Below are the child and teenage version of Cheng Long Hei, who is acted by Susan Tse.

The child version is acted by Wang Yoke Fong. Isn't she cute?

The teenage Long Hei is acted by Lo Tsz Ching. Isn't she pretty?
- Credits to Sally and

The child version is acted by Wang Yoke Fong. Isn't she cute?

The teenage Long Hei is acted by Lo Tsz Ching. Isn't she pretty?
- Credits to Sally and
Lyrics for 義海豪情 (II)!
Posted by
| Friday, September 10, 2010 |
theme song,
Wayne Lai,
More information on No Regrets' theme song! =D
From kelvindad (Chan Ho Yuen)'s Weibo: More lyrics!
The flames rose steadily, the walls crumble, I smell the blood of night.
- Credits to kelvindad's Weibo
Comments: I think the theme song will really sound sad and erm, I think the song is trying to depict Wayne. I feel so sad for him. =(
From kelvindad (Chan Ho Yuen)'s Weibo: More lyrics!
The flames rose steadily, the walls crumble, I smell the blood of night.
- Credits to kelvindad's Weibo
Comments: I think the theme song will really sound sad and erm, I think the song is trying to depict Wayne. I feel so sad for him. =(
Lyrics for 義海豪情!
Posted by
| Thursday, September 9, 2010 |
Leo Ku,
Sheren Tang,
theme song,
Wayne Lai,
Below are some of the lyrics for No Regret's theme song, which is titled after it's Chinese title, 義海豪情 (literally Righteous Sea of Heroic Love)!
From Tang Chi Wai (composer)'s Weibo: Enjoying the fruits of our labour in the recording studio, while reflecting on the lyrics "Love never dies, even when the earth sinks..."
From Leo Ku (singer of 義海豪情)'s Weibo: "Let heaven witness, who, for the sake of love, lived without regrets" Chi Wai, great lyrics! Keke, we seemed to be fuelling their appetite!
From kelvindad (Chan Ho Yuen)'s Weibo - Part of lyrics: "My body has no bullet scars, yet for you, I'm willing to risk that. Standing beneath the waves and battling the darkness, but for you, there's no question"
- Credits to Tang Chi Wai's, Leo Ku's and kelvindad's Weibos!
Comments: Indeed, they are really touching lyrics! I think so far, these lyrics seem to be talking about Wayne Lai's character, Lau Sing. Aww... I can really tell that he's prepared to sacrifice many things for Gau Gu Leong (Sheren Tang). I think my tear ducts will be activated when I hear the song! ^^
轉kelvindad陳浩源微博既 - 部份義海歌詞
未懼身上被子彈留痕 維護妳我卻甘於捨身
站在風浪下對抗黑暗 而為妳 是毫無疑問
From Tang Chi Wai (composer)'s Weibo: Enjoying the fruits of our labour in the recording studio, while reflecting on the lyrics "Love never dies, even when the earth sinks..."
From Leo Ku (singer of 義海豪情)'s Weibo: "Let heaven witness, who, for the sake of love, lived without regrets" Chi Wai, great lyrics! Keke, we seemed to be fuelling their appetite!
From kelvindad (Chan Ho Yuen)'s Weibo - Part of lyrics: "My body has no bullet scars, yet for you, I'm willing to risk that. Standing beneath the waves and battling the darkness, but for you, there's no question"
- Credits to Tang Chi Wai's, Leo Ku's and kelvindad's Weibos!
Comments: Indeed, they are really touching lyrics! I think so far, these lyrics seem to be talking about Wayne Lai's character, Lau Sing. Aww... I can really tell that he's prepared to sacrifice many things for Gau Gu Leong (Sheren Tang). I think my tear ducts will be activated when I hear the song! ^^
Wayne Lai's message to fans
看祥友们的留言,字海,生活智慧,阅读分享, 真的是获益良多. 明医生在下星期就会出场, 刘醒就会在十月中和大家见面, 希望各位多多指教. 刚刚拍完的是一个酒楼集团的广告,和他们已合作了几年,待我如朋友一样,真的要在此感激他们. 这亦使我深深地感受到,其实各方面的朋友们都是很爱护,欣赏及照顾我,人生有此阶段和拥有这段温情,夫复何求!
Seeing all the messages that fans have left for me makes me feel really enlightened. Dr Ming will come out next week, and Lau Sing will be seeing you guys in the middle of October. Hopefully, everybody can guide me along. I just finished shooting an ad for a hotel group. I have worked with them for many years and they treat me like a friend, really many thanks to them. Life is really meaningful and heart-warming when I know that there are so many people who care about me.
- Credits to Wayne Lai's TVB blog
Comments: I suppose Dr Ming is his character in Someday. xD I'm not sure about this though, but I can't wait for No Regrets to be broadcasted (even though I can't watch it!). =D